18 November

An Ode To Working Dogs, The Way For Me…

by Jon Katz
Mystical Companions To Me
Mystical Companions To Me

When people talk to me about the dogs they mean to get these, almost every single one says, “of course I’ll go to a shelter,” or “of course, I’ll get a rescue dog.” I respect that, I’ve had a lot of rescue dogs myself, as well as rescue donkeys, sheep, cats and chickens. When I listen to these people, though, I often want to suggest to them that they consider several different ways of getting a dog, just as there is no one training program that fits every dog, there is no one way to get a dog, for me, acquiring a live animal for years is not a moral decision, it is a philosophical and practical one – which path offers the best life together for the dog and the person.

For me, getting a dog is not a moral decision, the morality comes in how I treat the dog, how good a life I can give him or her, how thoughtful a choice I make. I am getting good at it, I have the most wonderful dogs, they fit my life like a glove.  I am always careful about choosing a dog, we exploit animals all of the time, we all do, using them to help us feel better about ourselves and our lives.

When you have animals like Izzy, Frieda or Simon, the joys of saving a creature in need are deep and clear. The “rescue” is less important to me than the experience of living well with an animal who lives for human beings. I have come to see that the most powerful and satisfying experiences I’ve had with dogs  are with working dogs – Orson, Izzy, Rose, Lenore, Frieda, Red. Usually, I get these dogs from breeders, not always, sometimes I get them from shelters or pluck them from trouble. For me, this seems to cement and personify what is a mystical connection between human and animal, a human being in need of service, an animal breed for many years, even centuries, to work with us, be with us, serve us.

I love working with good breeders, they have chosen the best, healthiest and most wonderful dogs for me, time and again, from Lenore to Red to Pearl to Rose. I hear many people say people shouldn’t buy a dog from a breeder, but I wonder where they think dogs like Rose and Red come from? I would hate to think of  world without border collies or Labs. The longer I live with dogs and write about them, the more I understand that I can’t tell anyone else how to get a dog – it is a very personal and individual decision, it is the height of arrogance for me to presume I know how everyone else should do what it has taken me so long to begin to learn how to do.

I need to have a dog in my life, especially, I have found, a working dog. Dogs shape my work, my photography, my creativity, even my love. They inspire me to work, keep me company through the sometimes lonely life of the writer, they ground and inspire me. They nourish me with affection and attention. My working dogs enter my lives in a very particular way, they enter into the spirit and context of my life. I see Lenore walk in the woods with Maria, this loving dog evolving into a spirit animal walking with her human in the woods. There, Lenore is transformed, as Maria has written, she becomes the dog she was bred to be, meant to be, connecting with the lives of human beings, serving them.

Rose became a similar kind of partner in my life at Bedlam Farm, she shared the work and the experience with me, gave me strength sometimes to do it. The farm brought out the strongest and most powerful working instincts in Rose, she was free to use and explore them there. When I was  alone at Bedlam Farm, Lenore offered companionship and affection – we get the dogs we need. Orson, troubled soul, sparked my turn towards writing about dogs and other animals, gave me a way to leave  my suburban life and move to the country. I have evolved, so have the working dogs in my life.

Red has brought my mystical idea of the working dog – bred in the service of human beings for so long – to another level of awareness and experience. He has that special gift of being able to enter any place I am, join in almost any work I am going. He goes into the bookstore as easily as the pasture, he intuitively greets a scarred war veteran and open’s an alien heart,  he greets people at readings as well as farm stands, he rides in the car as happily as he herds sheep, he lies by my feet when I work, an affirming and steadying presence.

Other kinds of dogs can do this, but the working dog has been bred to do it, it is in his or her genes, they love nothing more than to enter into a task with a human being, it is their purpose, their destiny, their genes, it is in their blood. There is something mystical about the well-bred working dog for me, he connects people to nature in the most elemental way, I think, this has become the only way for me to get a dog.

Every day, they open me up to new experience, they are lights on my path through life.









18 November

700 Shipped from Battenkill: Heading For 1,000. “Second Chance Dog” Tour Strategy Report.

by Jon Katz
Book Tour Strategy Report
Book Tour Strategy Report

Battenkill Books shipped more than 700 copies of “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story” as of Sunday afternoon, we are poised to sell 1,000 books this week, I would have thought it unlikely a couple of weeks ago, I see now it is just the beginning. The new book tour is taking shape in a number of different ways, I want to share my strategy with you, it is far from over, and far from clear whether my blog and I can replace a conventional book tour using new technologies like social media, the blog, videos, podcasts and other sharing tools. I am sticking my neck out on the proposition that it can.

My strategy for this book tour is ever-evolving. At first, we hoped for 400 copies of the book to be sold via Battenkill (this is my local bookstore, Maria and I sign and personalize all books purchased there, you can buy the book on the store’s website or call Connie, Marilyn or Kate – they are becoming rock stars with their own following – at 518 677-2515 and you could win a free bag of dog food, books, photos.) Then we thought a figure of 600 would work, but the orders are still coming in, and we will get to 1,000 this week. I intend to keep going beyond that.

My first goal of the new book tour – writers empowering themselves to survive and evolve – was to call attention to the book, to make people in my online community aware of it. I have about 200,000 people a month coming through bedlamfarm.com, the laws of Internet Marketing suggest a small fraction of those will actually buy a hard-cover book, although the percentage can grow rapidly if the book catches on. I wanted animal lovers to know about the book, but the book is broader than that, and it’s ultimate success depends up on it spreading beyond people who love dogs and into the wider market of people who want to read about love, family, life.

The blog sparked sales of hundreds of books at Battenkill the first week of publication, more on Amazon and other online sites (I don’t have the precise numbers). This drove the book to a second printing before publication. So the first phase was successful.

The second phase is longer and more complex, but also goal centered. I am concentrating on three elements right now – Battenkill, which is drawing a huge and loyal following, not only for my books but for the very idea of a community-centered bookstore with wonderful service. Secondly, my book is a perfect match with Plaid Friday, the burgeoning grass-roots movement to respond to the corporate holiday “Black Friday,” buying a book about love and dogs from an independent bookstore fits in. Theoretically, I could sell thousands more books for Plaid Friday, thought Battenkill and elswhere. I am using my Facebook Page in a new way, posting daily topics relating to the book and enabling video and photo-sharing technology to make the book a truly interactive experience, not only about me, but about you and your own experience with second chances, finding love, healing  and community. So far, so good, we have had more than 1,000 photo and video posts on the topics, I’m giving away a book a day there.

Beyond that, there is Christmas, the greatest opportunity I have to break out with my book and make this tour truly successful. I see “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story” as a strong Christmas gift, as some of the early reviews have pointed out. The book ends on a Christmas Eve, and it is a book of new beginnings, second chances and happy endings, a natural gift for animal lovers and people who care about love in their lives.

I am also going to deploy some of the new tools I have been developing – in the coming weeks I’ll do podcast readings from the book, videos about Frieda, topics every day that promote and discuss the themes of the book. I am discovering that Battenkill Books is no longer just my local bookstore but a focal point for national and global sales of my book. Using the Internet, Connie can sell books anywhere – and is. She takes Paypal and ships anywhere in the world. She is offering free dog food, photos, books, and Maria is throwing in a Frieda potholder. Incentives are expected in Internet marketing – they are new to book tours – and I can see that they work. They create engagement and excitement.

Today, Maria and I will be back at Battenkill in the afternoon to sign books – tomorrow afternoon also – and I hope for many more days after that. My most important strategy is to keep this going, this is about me, my blog and you, there is nothing else pushing the book. Pretty wild so far, I will continue to keep you posted. We seem to have come up with a book tour that everyone can join, not just a handful of people in a handful of bookstores. That was my idea in scrapping the conventional tour – reach more people more effectively and economically.

I think this new kind of tour has great promise for writers and for books. In the age of digital publishing, we are selling a lot of e-books but a ton of paper books as well. Clearly, the idea of buying paper books from bookstores is not dead. Just as clearly, a huge percentage of my readers are acquiring the book on reading devices. The tour is about reaching both audiences. The challenge for me is to keep it going in a creative and effective way.

So this week is about reaching my goal of 1,000 books sold at Battenkill, I will keep you posted and thanks for looking in and  joining in. This tour is just getting underway.

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