31 March

Zelda Watch: No Lambing Stall For This Mom

by Jon Katz
Zelda Watch: No Stalls For Zelda
Zelda Watch: No Stalls For Zelda

Zelda’s stomach continues to drop, her udder is showing. We tried to get her into the barn to wait for her lamb in quiet and dry straw, but she knocked me down, nearly  busted through the wooden gate, ran right over Red,  and almost jumped over it. So she will have her lambs outside, or wherever she wants to. We’d love to get her inside, I don’t like lambing in mud and manure and ice, but she could really hurt herself and her lambs through the brawl it would take to keep her inside. I’m guessing this week, but it’s still just a guess.

31 March

South Pasture Underwater. New Visitors To The Farm.

by Jon Katz
Visitors To The Farm
Visitors To The Farm

Usually there are sheep out grazing in the South pasture when I get up in the morning, but I heard quacking, not baaahing when I went outside. Two ducks have joined the animals on the farm, I suspect they will be here awhile, 75 per cent of the pasture is under water, the fences and gates and posts are underwater, the fence power is off, I hope Zelda doesn’t figure that out. Heavy rain and wind last night, more rain coming. The Biblical winter.

31 March

Calling Noah: Here Comes The Flood, The Biblical Winter

by Jon Katz
Calling Noah: Here Comes The Flood
Calling Noah: Here Comes The Flood

We don’t need to go see the movie “Noah,” Russell Crowe and the ark might just float into the back pasture, the farmhouse pasture is under water, Red’s outrun was reduced to about 20 square yards. The flooding started yesterday and this morning, almost all of the pasture is under water, thankfully the house and the barn are up on a rise – the early builders were smart, although even they could not have foreseen climate change. We were shocked this morning to see the pasture under water, so was Red, although it didn’t dissuade him, he went right through the water. This is definitely a winter of Biblical Proportions.

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