7 May

Donkeys In Exile

by Jon Katz
Donkeys In Exile
Donkeys In Exile

Since one of the donkeys bit and stomped Liam – we imagine it was Simon – the donkeys have been exiled to the side pasture, where they will remain until the lambs get bigger and stronger and faster. I believe Simon did not recognize the lamb as a sheep, he saw him as an unwanted intruder, even as a predator. I have no doubt that once the lambs get bigger are look more like the other sheep, the donkeys will accept and protect them.

The donkeys are used to getting their own way, and they seem a bit irritated to be kept away from the Pole Barn but we are feeding them hay twice a day and they have a nice field to wander in. Suck it up, guys.

7 May

Teaching Liam

by Jon Katz
Lessons For Liam
Lessons For Liam

Suzy is one of the best sheep mothers I have ever seen, and Liam is a great pupil. This morning, he licked on a salt block, nibbled on hay, sipped some water. He is curious and alert, he is learning about life every minute, Suzy never lets him wander too far. She is vigilant but calm, she lets me approach Liam with a camera, hold him for shots and bandages. I think it was a good call to let him out of the stall, he seems to be thriving outside, he even danced around a bit this morning.

It is a wild day here (Fromm nutritionists are on my Facebook Page to answer questions about your pet’s animal nutrition, one of the questions will get a free bag of dog or cat food, they will be there all day) Ma doesn’t need to be in great shape, she is limping, breathing very heavily and her udder is in a strange position. Might have to call Jason in, but we’ll see. I’ll be posting when I can. Maria has called a bunch of times, she is having the most wonderful time, but I know she would like to be here for the lambing.

She’ll be home late tomorrow night, I will be happy to see her.

7 May

Back Into The World

by Jon Katz
Back Into The World
Back Into The World

It was dark and dank in the stall, Liam looked eager and ready to go into the world, so I let him and Suzy out into the pasture. They both seemed quite happy to get out, Liam is breathing well and moving well, I think he needed the sun and fresh air. As soon as I let him out I saw that Ma is in labor, so this will be an exciting day at the farm, another exciting day. Maria is still in Alabama, she is having a wonderful time there. The shearer is coming Monday, and I’ll be in New York. Wild stuff.

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