20 June

Open House Kicks Off With Vintage Hanky Issue

by Jon Katz
Open House Underway
Open House Underway

The June Open House At Bedlam Farm kicked off in style when Lisa Dingle, a friend and member of the Open Group At Bedlam Farm came by to pick up her vintage hanky scarf, she wrapped it around Maria’s neck. Maria took it in style, they worked it out, a small platoon of people have arrived for some free time to sketch, photograph the farm and the animals and to meet and talk with one another. Maria recovered and it setting up the art show for tomorrow.

20 June

Simon’s Song

by Jon Katz
Simon's Song
Simon’s Song

Every since he came into my life, I’ve heard Simon’s song, he has a long and joyous and scratchy bray, I called it the “call to life,” and it seemed to be celebrating his return to life, his recovery. Every time Simon seems me or Maria, he greets us with his joyous bray, I think it is his official welcome to the Open House weekend. It can be heard for miles around, I think it is the official kickoff to the first Bedlam Open House of 2014.

20 June

Hay Meadow Symphony.

by Jon Katz
Morning Breeze
Morning Breeze

Sometimes the simplest photos pass me by, the beauty of a hay meadow is subtle, but on this beautiful day, with a strong breeze, the meadow never seemed more musical or spiritual, the grass reflecting the morning light, the wind stirring it back and forth, I thought of violins and bows in a symphony.

20 June

Open House Rehearsal

by Jon Katz
Open House Rehearsal
Open House Rehearsal

It is the most glorious Spring weather I can remember, sunny, clear, cool. Red and I went out to the side pasture to put the sheep there for the weekend – easier and more visible herding for the Open House. The lambs are still learning about dogs, the ewes are still protective. Ma is a passive resister, she just stands in front of Deb and stares at Red. Red gently but firmly backs her up into the flock. Good practice for the Open House, we do limited herding because of the lambs but it’s interesting to see Red get things in order.

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