24 November

Hallelujah! And Then There Was Water

by Jon Katz
And Then There Was Water
And Then There Was Water

It’s a miracle really, we put the frost free pump handle in the barn to protect it from high winds and cold (stormy day today) and Maria drilled a hole in the side of the barn for the hose, which we cut to the right length. All we have to do is lift the pump handle up and water flows to the heated bucket (good for animals in the winter, a way of them staying warm.) Simon looked on, curious as always.

Anyone with a farm understands the miracle of the frost-free pump, hauling buckets of water around the pasture in the winter in ice and mud is one of the worst is the worst chores on a farm with animals, and we marvel every day at the miracle of the frost free, a project I have been plotting and scheming for a couple of years. Life is good. I have gotten tons of congratulatory messages from farmers. They know what a frost-free means.

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