8 January

A Testing Time: Life With Animals

by Jon Katz
A Testing Time
A Testing Time

I’m a bit at a loss to be in the midst of another disturbing animal crisis in the same week that Simon died. I had plenty of words for Simon, but fewer for Lenore, she is so precious to me in so many different ways. She is the dog who kept love alive for me when I need it most, and keeps it alive still, even though it is in my life.

Still, I will keep my pledge to be open and honest here, and share my life insofar as I can. The blog is my great work, my living memoir, and I will be true to it, and hopefully, to you. Lenore is in great pain, she suffered through the night, painkillers and steroids and other treatments have not worked. Back to the vet this morning for more tests, more  X-rays. I will not be specific about her illness as that seems to bring out the worst in even the best people on social media, and I don’t want to do that this morning, for me or for you. This is not a time of conflict or confusion for me, but of focusing on what is best for this sweet girl and, hopefully, making her more comfortable.

My job is to be selfless, clear and compassionate. And to help her heal.

Dr. Suzanne Fariello of the Cambridge Valley Veterinary Service and I will be meeting at 9 a.m. and I am hopeful we will figure something out, Lenore is in too much pain and that is not a tolerable or humane thing for me. Simon’s situation was, sadly, very clear, he was so visibly dying. Lenore’s situation is much less clear, so we will have to do some hard and honest work to figure out how to help her.  Maria and I are, as always, very much in sync, we have good things to try and do for Lenore.

I have no complaints or laments or struggle stories to offer, this is the life I chose, this is the life I love, and I will do right by it and make the best of it and not speak poorly of it. I will be focusing all of  my heart and energies on helping this profoundly sweet creature, who needs me to be her friend and advocate more than ever. I will do that.

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