6 February

Brighten Up: Bedlam Farm Color Initiative, Vol. 3, Minnie and Lenore

by Jon Katz
Brighten Up!
Brighten Up!

It’s my goal to brighten up the entire Northeast in the remaining, stubbornly snowy and cold weeks of winter. Lenore and Minnie were great pals, they had known one another all of their lives, Minnie was a rabid feral kitten, but she always trusted Lenore – the border collies ignored her, Frieda tried to eat her. The two always hung out together in the sun when they could. This picture brings a smile to my face, it speaks to the nature of life and the passage of life. My life is full, I think that is the point.

I believe love, color and light are infectious, I’m spreading the virus right here. Maybe they will quarantine us in a tent in Newark.

6 February

Sleeping Cat. Bedlam Farm Endless Winter Color Initiative: Vol. 2

by Jon Katz
Color Initiative
Color Initiative

Flo has taken over my sitting chair in the living room, she loves to lie on one of Maria’s quilts, sometimes it appears that she is part of the quilt. When it gets this cold, the barn cats barely move, they find the warmest spot, or any place with sun, and they seem to melt into it. I love the fusion of colors, it speaks of warmth and light. It makes me smile on this bitterly cold day, I hope it makes you smile too. The cats do not complain about the weather or turn to the hysteria on the Weather Channel, they do not name storms, they withdraw into themselves and find a place of warmth and light.

6 February

Minus Ten

by Jon Katz
Minus Ten
Minus Ten

Our animals are grazing animals, and it goes against their nature to be trapped in so much snow without any grass or twists to root around for. In the wild, some would probably have starved or frozen to death in this kind of cold. In the Pole Barn, there is dry ground to lie on, and shelter from the snow, ice and wind.

They are very eager to get on hay in the morning, it not only nourishes them but brings them back to their natural state of grazing. Donkeys and sheep are among the hardiest of animals, they adapt readily to almost any kind of weather, they just need good fresh food, shelter and water.

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