17 June

The Herding Pup

by Jon Katz
The Herding Pup
The Herding Pup

We had our morning lesson early today, it’s a beautiful sunny and dry Spring morning. Scott Carrino is coming over to see Fate work with the sheep but I wanted her to have some calm moments in the pasture first. I had to bring Red in to get the sheep out of the corner but things started to move quickly then, Fate got up along the left side of the flock and turned them as I yelled “come bye.” A good sequence for us.

17 June

Really? Someone Took A Water Bottle Out Of The Recycling Bin?

by Jon Katz
Did Someone Take A Water Bottle From The Recycling Bin?
Did Someone Take A Water Bottle From The Recycling Bin?

Like any great puppy, Fate is a nightmare sometimes, she has explored every inch of the house and discovered the good tissues and trash in the trash cans and the plastic water bottles in the recycling bin. She gets them and hides them all over the house – beneath my study desk, under the sofas, behind tables and chairs. She loves the sound she makes when she chews and crunches them, it is loud and distinctive. When she has reduced the bottles to pulp she abandons them and goes to her stash for another. I have never seen her get a bottle or hide it.

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