4 October

The Junk Artist Comes to Bedlam

by Jon Katz
The Junk Artist Comes To Bedlam
The Junk Artist Comes To Bedlam

Ed Gulley calls himself a “Junk Artist,” Maria calls him a folk artist, some people call him a yard artist. Ed is a dairy farmer, fresh from a visit to Lancaster, Pa., where he got some new camo clothes and a bunch of new ideas. Like any good artist – and Ed is a very good and inventive one – he sees things in junk that other people do not see. His sculptures and creations are authentic, gritty, unpolished and very real.

They are nothing less than the artifacts of life, his and ours. Ed found these wooden flowers at an auction and made them into outdoor garden sculptures, perfect for the winter when the real garden fades. He has some turtle sculptures made out of mower and tractor parts and an owl made out of an airplane part.

He and his art are coming to the Bedlam Farm Open House this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 11-4, along with a slew of artists, poets and friends of the farm. Two big draft horses are coming from Blue Star Equiculture as well. Maria has chosen nine artists for her back-of-the-farm art show, beautiful and inventive creations from Ed and others.

We spent the afternoon at the Gulleys -Carol and Ed – dairy farm in White Creek. We saw a newborn calf and watched Ed treat the mother, who needed a calcium IV. Carol has also made a piece out of clover and peacock feathers, Maria is going to show it as part of the art show. We wandered through Ed’s amazing studio, right out of a Dystopian adventure film.

We are pleased to have Carol and Ed as friends, they are hard working farmers, up to their necks in labor, muck and hard work. Ed is an original, a generous, funny and fiercely individualistic man, and a natural artist.  Ed will be on hand to talk about his art. Maria can spot them. More photos to come.

4 October

Open House Week

by Jon Katz
Open House Week
Open House Week

Open House Week is underway. Our friend Tyler Lindenholl came over to help stack the firewood, and begin moving things out of Maria’s studio to make room for the work of the nine artists who are coming to sell their work this weekend. The Open House is an organic thing, Tyler is now as big a part of it as the artists, he has friends and admirers coming to see him from all over the country.

Tyler is recovering from a concussion he suffered during a game he played for the Cambridge High School football team, we urged him to go slow and easy, but I’m not sure he knows how to do that. According to the rumors, he has a girlfriend now, I hope he brings her to the Open House.

We have to move the firewood into the shed, mow the grass, clean up the pasture, and Maria is a Curating Dervish, she will take apart the studio and re-assemble it. We are grate to Tyler, he has great character and a ferocious work ethic. I keep forgetting he is just fourteen.

Saturday and Sunday, 11 to 4. There will be two portable toilets here, no pets please. Makes the farm animals crazy, not to mention the irrepressible Fate who will be running amok, jumping all over people while I chase her around and yell at her.

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