23 November

Morning Tableau. Creatures Of Entitlement.

by Jon Katz
Morning Tableau
Morning Tableau

The barn cats have taken over our kindling box, and Maria, good witch that she is, has made each of their own pillow (God forbid a barn cat should lie on just plain old wood). In fact, they have taken over the entire porch and made it their world headquarters. I guess it’s worth it, to see the tableau they offer us, there is something contemplative and spiritual about their stillness, patience and love of the sun. Cats are creatures of entitlement.

23 November

Video: Fate’s Progress: Hard Work Pays Off

by Jon Katz
Fate's Progress
Fate’s Progress

Every day of her life since we got her – every day save two when we were away – Fate has worked the sheep, rain or sun, warm or cold. She has been butted, chased, blown off, stomped at, she has never quit, run away, lost heart or lost confidence. In the past week or so, she has shown that her own great instincts and hard and willing work are beginning to pay off and take form.

She can hold the sheep now, at least for a while. She stands up to them when they come at her, she is finding herself out in the pasture. It’s been a few weeks since I shot a video of her working, I took another this morning to bring everyone up to date.

It’s been a great pleasure to work with Fate, we have much more to do. She is a great working dog, her heart is really in it, she is strong, smart, fast and determined. She has all the tools. She is becoming to come into her own. Fate has taught me a lot. Come and see.

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