30 March

Getting To Know Chickens

by Jon Katz
Getting To Know Chickens
Getting To Know Chickens

One of the many things I love about my good life is that I often come across scenes like this. I have learned to always have my camera with me, I regret it every time I don’t.  At our first farm, we lost so many chickens to hawks and foxes and disease we stopped naming them and made an effort not to get to know them.

On impulse, Maria put some crackers in her hand and went out to hand-feed the hens. One by one (this is the first time she’s done that), Minnie the barn cat and the hens gathered around her, and it became an exercise in patience and trust, a form of active listening

The Red Hen was the first to take the crumbs out of her hand, then the gray hen. The white hen couldn’t bring herself to do it. Maria has a powerful connection with animals, I feel that as well. Learning how to trust and communicate with them is a never-ending joy and process for us. It is grounding, calming, healing and affirming. I’m always touched at how much some animals want and need human attention. And how little of it other animals need. Minnie thinks she is a chicken, I think.

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