20 October

Colors Of The Mist

by Jon Katz
Colors Of The Mist
Colors Of The Mist

On a farm with animals manure is an elemental part of life. And there is a lot of it, especially with a pony and donkeys. Every morning, we shovel it out of the barn and either scatter it over the pasture to fertilize it or build a pile for use in our gardens (or my friend Scott’s, he takes a huge pile of year-old manure for the Pompanuck gardens, he collects it in his old truck).

Often at this time of year, we come out in the mist, we do the manure-removal as soon as the animals start to eat. I love the image of Maria coming out of the mist with her rake, I can see the colors of the landscape beginning to emerge through the mist in the sunlight.

To me, there is beauty and light everywhere, if we open our eyes to it.

20 October

The Mighty Hunter

by Jon Katz
The Mighty Hunter
The Mighty Hunter

Fate is very fond of the sheep and declines to push them around, but she is a mighty hunter when it comes to chipmunks, leaping through the air and pouncing on them. She has never caught one, and is happiest stalking them, as she did in the woods this morning. The chipmunk being pursued had long climbed up the tree and was high  up in his hole, but Fate, a mighty hunter, was still prowling quietly around the base of the tree, hoping for a surprise.

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