12 December

Snow Storm Strategist

by Jon Katz
Snowstorm Strategist

I love Snowstorm Strategizing, Maria kids me about it, but I’ve had 15 years of upstate snow experience and I am proud of my snow strategies, it is one of the most fun things for me about living here. First, I rush to the hardware store and buy something – anything, so long as it’s snow related.A new shovel, a car scraper and brush, some dog-friendly salt, new gloves, de-icers, roof scrapers – I just have to get something.

We make sure there is milk and food, we stack firewood, we locate the candles. The barn cats go into the basement., we put water in the coop – chickens won’t come out if they can’t see the ground. We pull out a bale of second cut hay, which gives the animals a bit more energy and nourishment for cold weather. If it’s really cold, we put out some grain.

Then, I study the weather maps and forecasts. More than five inches is a storm to me, I put the wipers up so they won’t get covered in ice, I put the shovels by the back door, I position the cars at the top of the driveway facing out so Vince, our extremely capable plow man can come rushing up the driveway and clear it out. Later we move the cars so he can come by on his way home and finishing clearing.

In the morning, as the storm clears, we first feed the animals, clear a path to the barn. We shovel out the manure in the barn as they will all be inside for much of the day, and there will be a lot of manure. I shovel the snow off of the cards, let the engine run, scrape some snow off the roof, make sure the gutters are clear and not frozen or clogged with snow.

I put the wet and frozen pair of gloves and my Carhartt snow jacket by the stove. Time to write. I am a good snow strategist, organized and efficient. Next one scheduled for Thursday. Winter has decided to live on and not vanish. Makes me happy.

12 December

Rolling In Snow

by Jon Katz
First Storm

The first storm of the season came and went last night, five or six inches. The well-oiled machine that runs the farm shoved paths, cleaned off the cars, dug out the feeders, freed the chickens,fed the animals, snip-snap, we are veterans of many storms. The wood stoves are roaring, the computers are on, the shovels are by the door, the roads are clear, the animals fat and happy. Chloe is having a good time rolling in the snow.

When the weather clears a bit, we are heading out to pick up Maria’s new laptop, a big day for creativity around here. Maria has stopped lamenting that she doesn’t deserve a new laptop and is getting excited about having one. Snow days are good days to write, and I hope to tackle a chapter in my book, “Lessons Of Bedlam Farm.” I’m excited to be writing it. If you wish to pre-order my next book “Talking To Animals,” you can do so through Battenkill Books and I will happily sign and personalize it. You might also win a potholder or Bedlam Farm Tote Bag from Maria.

Wherever you are, stay warm and dry.

12 December

Connie’s Mittens

by Jon Katz
Connie’s Mittens

Connie is making mittens for the staff and some of the residents of the Mansion, she measures everyone’s hands and gets out her knitting needles and goes to work. Connie has scoliosis, it is painful for her to keep her head up for too long, so she keeps it bowed most of the time. She plans to spend Christmas day with her family, if that doesn’t work, we’ll see her at the Christmas Party on Thursday.

12 December

Connie’s Mail: The Mansion

by Jon Katz
Connie’s Mail

When I came in to visit Connie yesterday, she was crocheting a scarf and she also quite proudly showed me Friday’s mail for her, a beautiful stack of letters from everywhere, as close as New York City as far as Washington State. Your generosity has brightened her life and the lives of the other residents at the Mansion Assisted Care Facility. I have never seen Connie smile so much and tell me so much. Maria came with me and Red Sunday and she and Connie hit it off, talking about knitting, weaving and crocheting.

I amĀ  honored to be a part of this Army of Good, compassion and empathy live and thrive, people are so good given the chance. If you wish to write to Connie or any of the 40 residents of the Mansion, you can write to The Mansion, 11 S.Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

You are, to me, the spirit of Christmas, you don’t just talk the game you live it. Thanks so much.

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