17 August

Gus On Lulu. Rehearsing For The Open House.

by Jon Katz
Gus On Lulu

Gus has been sitting up on Fanny’s back, so this morning we put him up on Lulu, who is a bit more standoffish than Fanny, and not as patient. She had no trouble with Gus, and he had no trouble sitting up there. My visions of a circus act at our October Open House are growing, Gus playing the role of Knucklehead, the famous clown Lou Jacob’s used in his Ringling Bros. Circus. acts.

The Open House is shaping up. Maria has signed up a number of wonderful artists from all over, and Ed Gulley is bringing his farm creations; the RISSE Soccer Chorale is going to sing, and a van full of Mansion residents are coming to spend the day. Mary Kellogg is coming to read from her new book of poetry (her fourth), I will be present, signing books, giving talks, welcoming people,  herding sheep with Red and Fate, and Gus will be greeting everyone enthusiastically.

I well understand and accept my new role – steering people to Maria and the dogs.

Jim McRae will be shearing our sheep as well. The art show is especially appealing this year, Maria has chosen affordable and original art in time for Christmas. Details on Maria’s website.

The Open House will be held on Saturday and Sunday of Columbus Day Weekend, from 11 to 4 pm. both days. Maybe we need a little saddle for Gus.

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