23 September

Portrait, Bob, The The Kindness In His Eyes

by Jon Katz
The Kindness In Our Eyes

As a photographer, Ive learned to spot people who watch a lot of cable news and people who don’t. You can tell by their eyes, the people who don’t watch much cable news (people like Bob, our friend who works at the dump) has a kindness in his eyes, the camera  catches it all the time.

He agreed to take a moment to stand still so I could experiment with the portrait settings on my new Achromat lens, a difficult lens. I see it works well at close range, and also when there is a variation of light, like the sun and shade on Bob’s face.

You can’t see Bob’s eyes too well in this photo, the lens doesn’t to be as close as my 85 mm lens, but you can still see the kindness in his face. Like Kelly Nolan, some faces are worth returning to again and again, they have a radiance that I love to try to capture.

23 September

Bob, Gussed At The Dump

by Jon Katz

I call it being “gussed,” Gus has a genius for making friends wherever he goes, one of his closest pals is Bob at the dump, one of those tough and strong (and very kind) big men in trucks and tractors. Bob is crazy about Gus and Fate and rushes over to give them biscuits and if he has, them, donuts.

At home, Gus loves to leap up on the chairs where he is not allowed and crawl on top of my head to lick my nose. It is startling sometimes, but certainly loving.

Gus adores Bob and showers him with licks around the nose and face. Sometimes, Bob even remembers to say hello to me.

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