28 December

Blogging For Good. Me And Mr. Trump

by Jon Katz
Blogging For Good

This morning, I got a quite remarkable and unusual message from Jennie in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

She is a long-time readers, she is worried about me, and was writing to urge me to be more like the President, Mr. Trump and use social media more effectively.

This startled me a bit, I don’t often hear that. I wondered if it was meant to be a joke, but Jennie appeared serious.

“Look how smart he is, using  social media the way he does, he has 42 million followers on Twitter, how many do you have on Twitter or Facebook?,” she asked.

I was taken aback, I have no idea how many followers I have on Twitter, I rarely go there even though the blog feeds onto it. I am never attacked there, and so far as I can see, barely noticed at all.

I admit to being shocked – I think she was just trying to help – and sitting out there in Iowa, where the President is much more popular than I will ever be anywhere, she was just trying, as she put it, “to light a fire under your butt.” If he could do it, she said, why not me?

Jennie said she voted for Mr. Trump, and has read my blog from the beginning. She enjoys both of us, she said. I don’t often hear that, either.

“He just puts it right out there,” she said, “let the chips fall. Might be a lesson in there for you,” she suggested. “Be stronger!”

I told Maria about this and showed her the e-mail to make sure she believed me,  and she was taken aback. ”

She said what?,” she said, quite bewildered.

The Internet is a mystical world, I told her. Write online often enough and long enough, and you will hear just about everything.

But Jennie had a point. They say that in America, anyone can grow up to be President, and that seems to be so, so why couldn’t a strange Jewish boy from Providence grow up to have 42 million followers online?

Blogs are very personal,  you can use them for anything you like, within certain boundaries. You can use them for good, for money, for power, for vengeance, for political ambitions.

My blog began in 2007 on Memorial Day, and it was always meant to be selfish and self-serving. As publishing began to change, I needed a new way to promote my books and talk to my readers. If I got 20,000 or 30,000 likes on Facebook, my publicist told me, I could be a best seller. He lied.

I never even glancingly thought of using my blog for any kind of general good, or to get power and fame. I just wanted to sell enough books to live.

I was not, I often said, a charity, I was not the United Fund, it was not about doing good. Blogs are expressions of their creators, and the world changed, and I changed. I see my blog as a reflection of our times, of our world.


It took me awhile to think about how to respond to Jennie and of course, I thought I needed to share her message. Any one of us could do this, she seemed to be suggesting.

I could get started on a powerhouse blog by attacking people who attack me – I’ve done that a few times – but that did not draw millions of people to my blog, in fact, many people get annoyed when I do that.

They say I am asking for it by sharing my life, I should just suck it up. I do the same thing the President does when they say that: get lost, piss off, you are fake, go somewhere else.

But I am not rich or famous or powerful, my readers will not stand by me if I slug a little girl on the street.

Maybe my hair isn’t right or I need to work on charisma, or find a better slogan: Make Bedlam Farm Great Again!  I’m not good at name-calling, and I don’t like arguing. I am not suited for public life.

I have more than 50,000 regular followers on Facebook, which was once considered pretty good for an author. There are four  million visits to the blog online each year, which is very good. But I admitted to Jennie that I was not in the Presidents’ league.

Perhaps I am just not willing to do what it takes to get that big. And not able.

One difference is that Mr. Trump wants to lead  and run the country, and the very idea would horrify me:  power frightens me, which is a good thing, since I don’t  have any. If 42 million people read my posts every day, I might just crack up again.

I have enough trouble running a 17 acre farm and getting a dog to sit down.

I told Jennie one way for me to boost my reach on social media would be to get the President to attack me. People he attacks get millions of followers almost instantly, as well as death threats and hate mail. I don’t really need to go there.

I am not interested in ragging on our President, lots of louder and smarter people do that every day. Since Jennie raised it, I think the contrast between our social media styles is worth exploring. And who knows? He might just call me up to chat about it.

I would tell him to get a donkey or a dog like Gus or Fate or Red. Or a human like Maria.  People put up with a lot from me if they get to see them. But he doesn’t need any advice from me.

In the past couple of years, it has occurred to me that you can use a blog or a social media account for good.  There are lots of people out there and many want to do good.

When I asked for help in paying the farmer Joshua Rockwood’s legal fees after he was so unjustly accused of animal cruelty, we raised more than $70,000 quickly.

This enabled him to get the legal help he needed, and he was ultimately victorious. Thanks to the Internet, justice was done.

I started out small, and am still small. I raised money for two older sisters whose cats were taken from them after complaints from so-called animal lovers that they had too many. They both lost their reason for living, and we got their cats back (they were well cared for cats.)

Most of you know the rest of the story. The blog has gone on to raise money for older people, and for younger people, for refugees and immigrants, for people with big vet bills, for people who need food and people who need clothes, and people who need to pay off loans they didn’t know they had, for carriage horses and draft horses.

All told, we’ve raised nearly $200,000 for people in need and causes that I believe are worthy. An Army Of Good formed around the blog and we have touched many lives and made them better and easier. I can’t imagine what we might do with 42 million people. What a blast.

It was a shock to me to see how a blog could be used for good, and that is selfish too, because it makes me feel good about myself and about the world. I have never felt better.

It would be great to see Mr. Trump grasp the power of his 42 million followers. Think of the mortgages they could pay, the tuitions they could take care, the burned out houses they could rebuild, the flooded homes they could repair.

Think if every day he and his aides found a worthy American in need – the family of a policeman or fireman killed on duty, or a victim of brutality or sexual harassment, or a child in need of surgery, a widow without heat, a farmer whose cows got sick.

The President could spread a lot of fairy dust around and get everyone’s day started.  I could offer quite a list. In one day, Mr. Trump could get every refugee I know a year’s worth of groceries and a down jacket for the winter.

But this would be presumptuous of me, I told Jennie. Why should he listen to me?

But the very idea sort of boggles the mind. Think if everyone with a big blog did that. Jennie did get me to thinking.

The blog isn’t only for good by any means, I write about my dogs and my life and Maria and the farm too, I share my life.

But doing good is where I have found my idea of God, and where I have healed myself and feel strong and meaningful in a difficult time.

Thanks for the idea Jennie, and for your concern. I kind of like my blog just the way it is.

We all have to find our own way in the world, and I have found mine, and he has found his. I’ll just leave it there. I don’t want to disappoint me Jennie, but I think what you see is what you get with me.

And thanks for hanging in there with me all this time.

28 December

Tending To Gus

by Jon Katz
Tending To Gus

Since Gus was diagnosed with Megaesophagus, we have some new rituals. Either Maria or I have to hold him sitting up for between five and ten minutes. Nobody seems to mind this new task much, including Gus, who gets cuddly and mellow. He reminds me a sheep, when you stand one up on its rear, it goes still.

Fate, of course, has to know everything and be involved in everything. I think she would like to crawl into Maria’s lap as well.

28 December

Staying Warm On Lenore’s Couch

by Jon Katz
Staying Warm On Lenore’s Couch

Unlike Red and Fate, Gus has no great meet to go outside. It’s 11:15 and two degrees below zero. His new favorite spot is on Lenore’s couch, sandwiched between camera bags and light umbrellas, and right under a wallboard showing the great clown Lou Jacobs.

I  have a space heater on the floor near him (and me) and two wood stoves going full tilt. Maria is very chilly in her studio, but gamely plugging away.

Dog have always been a part of my writing life, I’ve almost never written a word without a dog nearby. Red is at my feet, Gus is just behind, in the spot Lenore loved so much More later.

28 December

Sweater And Booties, Oh My!

by Jon Katz
Sweater And Booties, Oh My!

So I did it, I think it just had to happen.

This morning the thermometer read – 20 and even the border collies, hardy stoics that they are, were hopping around on the cold ground, their paws stinging in the cold.

I couldn’t take a chance on Gus going out there unprotected, I could see he was uncomfortable and uncertain out there. And it was so cold I could barely breathe. I’m told people with heart conditions shouldn’t be outside in cold like that, but i don’t really believe that, I don’t have much problem with the cold normally, but i did today.

So we put a sweater and some rubber booties on Gus’s feet, these stay on and give him some protection from the frozen ground. It was not possible for me to be outside for more than five minutes so I felt I had to protect him.

Gus looked abashed, and I felt strange, he did look a bit ridiculous.

He took a couple of minutes to get used to the booties, but he wasn’t comfortable out there either, so he did his business and we both went back inside. In this kind of weather, my frostbitten fingers scream and I dip them in melted wax or warm water.

There is nothing wrong with protecting your dog, big or small, from the cold. Generally, dogs can handle it, but the small dog is, in fact different, and doesn’t have as much body fat or fur as some dogs have to protect them from the cold.

I just never thought I would have a dog who needed sweaters or booties, and until now, I never have.

Gus was happy to get his booties and sweater off. This is something I never thought I would do, but I wouldn’t let a dog suffer for my ego or my vanity. In this cold, this is something he needs, I think.

27 December

God And The New Year: A Revelation

by Jon Katz


I believe this year, after much searching and struggling, I am closer than ever to finding my idea of God, and it is transformative and it does feel especially wonderful and exciting.

Human beings seem to need a God, they have always sought God, worshipped God, justified horrific things in the name of God, killed for God, loved for God, died for God.

From the first conscious human, and  at every stage of human development, there was God in countless forms and incarnations and representations. We have always wanted and needed God.

Quite often, when people believe they have found God, they demand that everyone around them believe the same thing or be evil and despised, thus comes some of the worst misery in human history.

Even though we are the only creatures on the earth with a conscience, it only occasionally spares us from doing awful and immoral things, believing we are acting on behalf of our God.

A God I believe in would not tolerate that.

In our time, it is getting difficult to distinguish believers and God-worshippers from hateful politicians and political parties.

Increasingly, both hate the “others,” pity themselves. People who differ become enemies, not partners on the earth.

These kinds of worshippers teach me where to look for God, because I can’t believe he is the manifestation of them. So I know to look elsewhere.

In his book “God: A Human History,” the religious scholar Reza Aslan writes about the need to de-humanize God, to make him less human and more ethereal, even superhuman, more universal. If God is like us, then I can’t worship him, because human beings are quite often harming one another and cannibalizing the earth.

Why would I worship a God who is like humans?

This year, I’ve had a revelation, an experience in which God or any deity reveals himself to us.

The more we see God as a human with human emotions, the easier it is to justify our behaving in inhuman ways to one another.

Aslan is a pantheist, he worships God not through fear and trembling but through awe and wonder at the workings of the universe – for the universe, he says, is God.

Pantheists do not believe in a fierce and righteous God with a long white beard and flowing robes. They believe everyone and everything is God, and in a way, that idea is more manageable to me than most of the Gods people have come to worship over time.

“I pray to God not to ask for things but to become one with God,” writes Aslan. “I recognize that the knowledge of good and evil that the God of Genesis so feared humans might attain begins with the knowledge that good and evil are not metaphysical things but moral choices…I recognize the divinity of the world and every being in it and respond to everyone and everything as though they are God – because they are.”

I like this idea, it is similar to the Kabbalah’s idea that God is energy, is the light, the experience of making love, of joy, of compassion and empathy, of giving.

When I began working with the people I call the Army Of Good, I was responding to a new political reality that was upsetting to me, and I didn’t want to be angry and upset for a considerable part of my remaining life.

I looked instead for meaning and a kind of healing. And I found it in my work at the Mansion, and with the refugees in such great need all around me and the grounding and spiritual clarity those things brought me.

This morning, I launched the Refugee Grocery Project,  a new project for the Army Of Good, a plan to deliver $150 in groceries to a refugee family the first week of every month. This felt like God to me, it felt like a revelation, like a rebirth or resurrection. I felt great joy and excitement, I felt awake and alive, I felt as if my life had meaning or purpose. These are all things so many people describe as feeling when they discover their God or their own spiritual revelation.

God, to me, is the better part of us. It is the feeling of compassion and empathy, the special miracle of doing good. The Army Of Good feels this, we have been sharing this spiritual reward all year. God is color and light for me, the impulse to be better, do better, do good.

Like almost everyone reading this, I’ve spend many years and most of my spiritual life trying to bridge the vast space between me and the fearful idea of God as a vengeful and omnipotent figure, all knowing and all seeing and frightening.

I am drawn to the idea that there is really no distance between God and myself because I am essentially, God manifest. As are we all. This is what I am learning this year, and at long last.

God is in me this year, in my heart, soul and consciousness. He is with me because he is me.

God is a world of infinite spiritual Light. A realm of action rather than reaction. The love of a true partner. The desire to do good. To comfort the vulnerable and the poor.  In the hidden origins of the physical world of the universe, a world of fulfillment, infinite knowledge and change, and boundless and endless joy. God is the aspiration, the yearning, the dimension of positive, lasting change, the exercise of our unique gift to perform acts of kindness.

For me, these are not the acts of saints and angels, but of mortal people. Like me.

I become one with God by reaching out to others, by learning to listen, by seeing God everywhere, not just in one book or one Temple or one Mosque or one Church. God is everything good and hopeful to me. He is also everything else.

I don’t need to be a saint, just to be me. A New Year’s revelation for 2018.

God is giving a cold refugee a jacket or a meal. God is buying underwear for a poor woman who has none. God is bringing a dog so an elderly man can reach out and touch something loving and warm again.

God loves small things and small deeds, because he is small things and small deeds, he is all deeds.

What could be  holier?

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