10 May

Tin Man Rising

by Jon Katz
Tin Man Rising

Ed Gulley’s Tin Man was occupying the place of honor on the front law, but recent windstorms blew him down. His arms are both damaged and need welding, but we couldn’t bear to see him lying on the grass, so Maria lifted him up and we pounded his metal poles into the ground.

We raise him in honor of our friend Ed Gulley, who is dealing with brain tumors. People often say that someone is “battling” cancer, but that is not the term I would  use for Ed. He doesn’t see it as a battle, but a matter of acceptance and openness.

It seems we militarize cancer when we cast it as a battle, it is much more complex than that.

When I ask  Ed how he is, he says fine, and I know that is not true all the time, but in a way, I know what he means. It’s not a war, it’s a question of grace and acceptance, and Ed is accepting his cancer with grace, is the way I would put it.

We raise the Tin Man in honor of Ed, his creator. We are glad to see him on his feet again.

10 May

Standoff: Red Holds The Line, My Hero

by Jon Katz
Holding The Line

I love Red, of course, but I also admire  him. He has great character and a sense of responsibility that never leaves him. He is a thorough professional.  This morning, Maria was opening one of the pasture gates, the sheep are eager to get in there, the grass is very green and lush.

The sheep began to charge the gate, and Maria was taking a video – she is not the most vigilant of people – and the sheep were starting to rush the fence. People like to think of sheep as docile and easy-going, but when they stampede for food, people can get hurt. I shouted to Red to stop them, and he got in front of his nemesis Liam and “did the wolf,” as I call it.

Liam challenged him, and the other sheep got behind Liam and lowered their heads. There was a standoff, Red didn’t move or blink, and then he gave Liam the laser eye and they all backed up.

Red is the man, my hero.

10 May

Bumper Stickers For The Army Of Good. Keep Good Alive

by Jon Katz
The Army Of Good

The new bumper stickers for the Army Of Good have all been ordered and will be  ready in a week or so. I have to get new envelopes to fit them, they are 10″ by 3.” I have this fantasy that I will see them while driving on some country road, or even in New York City.

I’m thinking people will ask what they mean. I’m going to say they are about keeping good alive.

When they are all printed and ready to go, the bumper stickers, which will cost $10 apiece, can be purchased in two ways:

They can be ordered by sending cash or check for $10 to my post office box, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Please mark it “Bumper Sticker.”

They can also be purchased on Maria’s etsy page when they are ready to ship,  but they will not be posted there until we have received them and the envelopes.

Thanks for your help in keeping good alive. Small acts of great kindness.

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