1 July

The Artist Unleashed

by Jon Katz
The Artist Unleashed

I bought a bunch of art stuff for Robin, who is emerging as an artist of sorts. I couldn’t get to New York this weekend, so I shipped the art supplies to Brooklyn, including this erasable drawing pad and a big art doodling mat to spread across the floor without sacrificing furniture. It seems she loves the art works and I hope it has ignited the budding creative in her.

Emma says she is drawing day and night. I hear Picasso started this way.

1 July

The Soccer Team Makes Page One

by Jon Katz
The Soccer Team Makes Page One

Very fine news today, the Albany Times-Union ran a front page story on the wonderful work Ali (and you) have been doing with the refugee soccer team. The writer explored the impact the team has had on these kids, the commitment Ali has made to them, the strong values he has taught them.

I was very proud of him, today, and of the Army Of Good as well We have done a lot of good with Ali and these children, and thanks. This is a bit and well-deserved boost for Ali, who has done nothing but good.

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