5 August

What Matters Most: When Love Is Secure

by Jon Katz
What Matters Most: When Love Is Secure

I realized this morning that for the first time in my life, I know a love that is secure. I have never had that before, and did not know what it was.

It is profound, transforming.

I trust Maria in a way I have never trusted anyone, family, friends, lovers.

She knows me in a way no one has ever known me.

When we argue or get angry with one another, I know we will talk it through and work it out, not seethe and fester and brood or hide or run.

We have our battles, we have no grudges, we carry nothing over.

We have seen deeply into the souls of one another, and we know the reality of each other. Love is not about perfection, but openness, trust and a willingness to do the hard work of listening and compromise and feeling.

I let Maria see me in a way no one has ever seen me, and in a way I have never shown to anyone else.

Every day, I rediscover my love for her and wonder at this idea of secure love, of trust, it opens up so many possibilities, it frees me in so many ways, it supports and nourished me and affirmsmy life and makes it possible.

This is one of the things that matters most – a secure love.

It happened when I finally became open to it, and I do not lament how long it took, I celebrate that I had the good fortune – and the will – to have it in my life.

People will read this and message me that I am very lucky, but Maria and I both know luck has little to do with it. We have both worked very hard to find and keep our love, we work at it every single day of our lives.

What a relief it is to trust love, it is the path to freedom.

And while I never tell other people what to do, I will share this: if I can have it, you can have it, if you do not already have it.

5 August

Good Morning Sunday

by Jon Katz
Good Morning Sunday

Good morning Sunday. I’m in a writing, photo-taking mood today, we have absolutely nothing planned, and we are very happy about that.

First, we’re going to Vermont to our favorite Sunday breakfast restaurant. It’s a beautiful  drive, and I hope to take some photos with my  14mm wide angle lens.

I have some new books to put into our Little Free Library.

I want to blog a bit about animal rescue, something I am thinking about.

We have to add some new plants to the fish tank and clean it out a bit, Maria will love figuring out where the plants will go.

I want to write about secure love, and the power it has.

I want to go see Carol and Ed Gulley.

I want to do some reading.

That’s as far as I’ve gotten with my Sunday, I hope to share it with you people, who are kind enough to share my life with me, good and bad.

I understand that some days you get the good Katz, and somedays the bad. I have no pretensions about that. I appreciate your sticking it out. More later.

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