4 September

Blue Birdbath: A Painting Within A Painting

by Jon Katz

My birdbath is an unexpected treasure, there is always a painting within a painting in the water, every time I move, there are different reflections and colors, some last for only a step or two.

The line between art and life is always blurry where I live, this simple bird bath is a font of imagery and color and feeling. It helps that it lives in the middle of a flourishing garden.

Audio: My Blue Bird Bath

4 September

Maria Makes Her Movie

by Jon Katz
Maria Makes Her Movie

Maria usually makes her movies on Mondays, but we were thrown off by the holiday so she did her weekly video (she actually does a number of weekly videos) this morning. She wakes up thinking about the video – she is a visual artist, after all – and then goes over to the Ed Gulley bench on the back porch to edit and review it.

There is usually a cat or dog hovering around her, Maria is an animal magnet. They know where to go. I call this her Greta Garbo look, she is completely immersed in her movie and takes it very seriously. This morning, she caught me singing from the kitchen ) the “Minnie” song.

Maria loves making these movies, people love seeing them, the routinely gets several thousand hits on Facebook. Come and see Maria’s movie.

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