Bedlam Farm Blog Journal by Jon Katz

17 May

Bashing Old Age: I Promise Never To Do That Here Or Anywhere Else

by Jon Katz

I refuse to speak poorly of my life or age or write as a suffering victim or someone who hates aging.

We all suffer, and we all can feel joy and gratitude. It’s our choice, not life’s. To claim that old age defeats me is to give up on life. And beautiful things happen to me every day, no matter my age or bald head.

I have a good friend I worked with in Boston who is my age and unhappy about it. He told me he tells his children “not to grow old,” he feels aging is an awful trauma and brings nothing but misery, pain, and decay.

I understand the disease of self-loathing; I’ve been there, but for me, it has nothing to do with my age.

I have another friend who says nothing prepared her for the dread experience of getting older. She’s right. That’s why nobody is ready for it. Our culture seems to believe that we shall live forever, and age and death are a complete shock.

I don’t feel that way, and I want to promise everyone who reads this blog that I will never write about aging that way.

Like everything else in life, it is a surreal chess match. It is what I want it to be, and what I make it. We are taught to start to hate life when our bellies show, and our hair doesn’t anymore.

When I was full of fear and lean like a beanpole, I was miserable. Today, I have no hair and an old man’s belly. I am not sad. How do the people who hate getting older account for that?

If I followed all the things written and said about aging online in magazines and online and across our culture. In that case, you might wonder why anyone over fifty doesn’t throw themselves under a tractor-trailer.

I’m a freak. I won’t use my blog to spread that kind of misery.

Old age is not about my stomach size or hair loss. It is so much richer and more profound, more rewarding than that.

And yes, there are plenty of aches and pains. But my life and being are about what’s inside of me, not what shows on the outside.  

My soul can’t be seen, but I feel it every minute of the day. It is who I am, not my bald spot or belly.

I sometimes cringe when I look in a mirror, but not for long.  I wonder who is staring back at me. I am learning to love myself, however long I last, and to love others, however long they last.

Aging is a physical, not an emotional, reality for me. I see myself as young and vital, even if others see something different.

I am fortunate to say that almost every wonderful thing in my life came to me in old age; being young was a lot harder and more demanding.

Everyone is entitled to their view of aging. My feelings about aging  – I am 76 – are different from almost all my friends my age or younger.

Old age, like young age, brings all kinds of good and bad things. I was awful at being very young; I’m good at getting older.

I’m only speaking for myself, but as a writer and blogger, I feel obligated to tell my truth about aging and offer something different than self-pity and grievance.

I’ve had most of the well-known problems of getting older, and I’ve written about all of them. We hear fewer good things and more complaining, lament, self-pity, and suffering.

 People complain endlessly – and justifiably – about the cost of health care and the messy system it has become, yet it rebuilt my heart and food and gave me a longer time to live well.

Just a few years ago, I’d be long gone. Life is not black and white; neither is aging.

I have heart disease and diabetes and am no stranger to doctors, surgeries, aches, pains, and the cruel and insane cost of health in America. My friend might have told his sons that it’s easier to be old if you’re rich than poor or middle-class.

But there is so much more to aging than suffering, as there is so much more to health than bills:

As I grew older, I came to know myself, face myself, and set out to use the time I had left to improve.

As I have aged, I have become more intelligent, mature, and experienced, more willing to think of others, do good for them, listen to them,  and work to make the world better than I found it.

I am less angry, less fearful, less ambitious, and no longer worried about getting more and making more or climbing to the top. For me, death is the top; life is my treasure.

Please pardon me while I list the gifts of aging for me:

In old age, I met Maria and discovered true love.

And I don’t have a million dollars in savings for old age, either.

As I approached 70, I became an accomplished photographer, working hard to learn how to take the kinds of photos I wanted, including my flower photos, which have elevated and enriched my life.

As I became older, I learned to take care of myself, and despite my diabetes, heart disease, and collapsing foot, I am healthier than I have been in years.

As I became older, I became more and more forgiving – my parents did the best they knew how to do. And the haters and trolls online suffer more than I do.

As I got older, I found the farm, my blog, Zinnia and Zip and the donkeys, and my wonderful companion and lover, Maria. Our love for one another has only grown, never diminished.

As I age, I learn I can’t do everything I used to: walk as far, run as much, or lift heavy things. There is loss.

And there is gain, but I rarely hear my older friends talk of gain or the balance of good and evil. It’s all bad, as if being young in America is a paradise, void of trouble.  Dozens of adolescents in the United States die of drug overdoses every week.

They face a challenging world, violence, and a bitterly divided country. I’ve had a good life to live. I hope they have the same chance.

Are we supposed to believe that the young are all happy?

Life is rich and full of beauty at almost every stage. One of the most beautiful moments of my life was seeing Emma open her eyes for the first time while looking at me.

Nothing will ever top that. But it is also a joy to see her love for her daughter, my granddaughter, and how happy the two are in life.

As I aged, I moved to the country to feel part of the natural world. I discovered the world of animals—steers, donkeys, horses, sheep, chickens and goats, cats, and above all, working animals’ incredible love and companionship.

People always tell me they are too old to have a dog or cat. I’m sorry to hear that. I feel I’m too old not to have a dog or cat living with me or on my farm.

When I had heart surgery more than a decade ago, I never forget what the surgeon told me: “This is about medicine,” he said, “but more than anything, it’s about attitude. You’ll be okay if you get your head straight and decide to move on.”

These are wise words for me. I remember them this way because this is just how I see life and getting older.

I am not an old man and never will be. I keep moving on.

17 May

Thursday’s Pantry Requests: Shampoo For Grownups ($18.56, 6 Pack), Dry Split Peas For Everyone, ($11.99, 3 Pack): Let’s Do Some Good This Weekend

by Jon Katz

Sarah’s food support choices for today are Green Split Peas and Shampoo/Conditioner for adults, two needed foods and products. I went to Cambridge Central School today to take some photos of the 3rd and 4th-grade volunteers who help unload the backpacks that are put together on Tuesday and transported to the school to be picked up by families in need.

These young volunteers play a vital role in the food distribution process. They bring in the food bags, which are discreetly distributed and picked up by parents and families.

Their enthusiasm and eagerness to help are truly uplifting. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help with the backpack stuffing; I had a podiatrist appointment. However, I always find joy in seeing these kids selflessly help their peers.

As a parent, this activity also prepares these kids for life, which is much better than sitting behind screens all day.

The two foods we are seeking today are listed below. Any help will be appreciated::

First: Vo5 Shampoo/Conditioner 2 in 1 Moisturizing 12.5 Oz (6 Pack), $18.56.

Second: Glicks Green Split Peas, 16 Oz. (3 Pack), Great In Salads, Soups, and Stews.

You can see and purchase these and other needed foods at the pantry here. The Wish List is updated daily and reflects the needs and requests of the Pantry’s guests. Sarah gets to talk to them several days a week.

Sarah concedes this is odd, but she knows both are important for families. I won’t be listing needs over the weekend, but I hope we can help with these.


I suppose this isn’t the most glamorous or familiar request (Sarah agreed), but when I think about it, it’s pretty important. These families can’t afford to buy shampoo either, but it’s a pretty obvious need. And the peas offer a healthy and nutritious vegetable.

The wagons are loaded and ready to go into the school. These food requests will be up all weekend. Hope you can help, and thanks either way. You’ve been great and are transforming the lives of hundreds of women and children in need. Bless you for that.

17 May

Midnight Miracle: For The First Time In 50 Years, The Only Medicine I Took For Sleep Was A Healthier Me!

by Jon Katz

Almost 60 years ago, a psychoanalyst in New York City prescribed 5 mm of Valium every night at bedtime so I could sleep.  I had been having panic attacks all my life, ever since I wet my bed until I was 17.

I took the valium at night for more than 35 years and was eventually addicted to it. After my breakdown, I stopped taking it and began a long series of different medicines and sleeping tablets, from Benadryl to melatonin to a dozen other things to help me sleep.

None of them worked most of the time; the problem was extreme anxiety and continuous panic attacks from my bed-wetting days to getting older.  It entered my neural system. I didn’t figure out how to avoid the panic and fear until recently, at age 76. Wow.

I finally got the help I sought – when I was much older.

I did the work I had to do to understand the fear, to understand me, to face the trauma I was carrying around (the undiagnosed Dyslexia also), and ease the anxiety. It was the longest and deepest struggle of my life. It took a lifetime. I didn’t want to die that way.

I knew I had to heal this wound inside and not just look outside. My spiritual work and meditation were an enormous help, helping me understand who I was and what had happened. Spiritual direction got me started on healing. In the final analysis, spirituality is all about being happy. I’m happy.

I was usually afraid to sleep when I was young. Bedwetters often fear sleeping, and they dread having accidents (or lectures from  fathers). Sleepless nights were the norm for me, always.

This week, after decades of work, meditation, and therapy, and facing up to the truth about me came to fruition last night. It was one of the biggest nights of my life.

For many reasons, a great therapist and a great partner, I began to understand that the fear was not passed along in my genes; it came from trauma. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, but I did a lot of wrong things if that makes any sense to anyone but me. I blamed myself for being afraid and doing the things terrified people do to soothe themselves.

In recent weeks, the panic attacks stopped completely, and so did much of my anxiety. I learned I am strong, open to love, doing good work, and living in peace and harmony. It is a beautiful feeling, liberating and full of promise. I won’t die that way.

I love my life, I love my age, I love my work and my life. There is no reason to be afraid. My first natural sleep in decades was pure and nourishing.

I stopped my lifelong therapy last week; I knew I was close. She supported my decision and said she was “thrilled” by it.

And last night, and for the first time in memory, I took no medications or supplements or tablets of any kind. I decided that since my panic and fear had finally receded dramatically enough for me to try, it was time to go to sleep. Just saying that makes me want to cry.



(Soft clouds, above)

I credit my writing, blog, and readers for support and understanding. My Dyslexia paled in comparison to this. I’m doing fine with it, despite the word and thought police that swarm like mosquitoes and are now a staple of life in America. I can handle that, also. The delete option is my friend and online therapist.

I am taking full responsibility for myself, my feelings, and how I sleep. My therapist said she would always be there for me, and I intend to be grateful for her but to stand on my own two feet. Something inside of me has changed; it just took a lot of work, a lot of love, and a lot of faith. I have the right to be happy.

I decided to turn sleeping over to my body and give it a chance. I trust it now to take what it needs. It responded beautifully last night.

It was as exciting and strange a night as it was beautiful. I am not a deep and long sleeper, but I needed more than I remember getting without support.

I slept from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. without interruption, the most extended sleep I can remember having all my life.

Thanks for listening to and supporting me all those years. I intend to do well for you, for me, and hopefully, for many others.



17 May

Notes From The Art Room, By Sue Silverstein

by Jon Katz

(Sue Silverstein teaches art and community service at Bishop Gibbons High School in Schenectady, New York, and is brilliantly re-inventing art education to the young. When school is in session, her column will appear here on Fridays. The art below is from her students.)

This time of year is joyful and busy in the art room. The 12th-grade students are graduating soon. Hser Nay and Mu Naw (they came with me from BMHS; pictures below) are leaving me soon! I know there will be others behind them to fill my heart, but these two have been part of my fabric for quite a long time. Mu Naw was queen at the prom last weekend. Both girls looked like princesses.

Sue from Cohoes brought the most fabulous donation of jewelry-making supplies and beads this week. We are so fortunate; she’s offered to show the art club some jewelry-making techniques in the future.

(From the photo class)

The cake creations continue; they have gotten competitive, and it is fun to watch. Therese and Kathy from California have played a significant role in the cake decorations. The box of jewelry they sent this week has been immensely popular.

The photography class has been working on a Warhol-like editing project with neat results. Gio has started his own Instagram for his photos. He got some awesome shots of the Northern Lights.

Next week, I will add tie-dye to the mix; I better buy more stain remover!

We would be happy to help anyone with canvas, paint, tie-dye supplies, jewelry findings, or drawing paper that they would like to find a home for!

As always, I am so grateful to Jon, Maria, and the Army of Good. We can only do this with your help. My email [email protected]

The address is:


2600 Albany Street

 Schenectady, NY 12304

Graduation time and prom time.)

16 May

When We Hurt. Drink Some Color. Find The Little Boy Or Girl Inside. Talk To Ed Gulley

by Jon Katz

Flowers often have messages for me, even while I am taking their photo, or perhaps this is why I take their pictures—their messages evoke a lot of feeling and emotion in me.

This morning, I was thinking about how I am learning to deal with the hurt that comes from being open and trying to be authentic. It feels like an ancient Greek contest—how do you deal with the heart?

What are your choices in a world where it is woven into the fabric of life?

I have two choices now: when I am hurt or someone is trying to hurt me, I can get angry and try to retaliate, which is what I most often do.

Or I can find tools and ways to calm myself and find compassion and understanding. Sometimes, it is there, sometimes at night. The more I work, the more I see it.

One is to return to myself and talk to the little boy who lives in the depths of a wounded and young soul. Be nice to him (or her.)

I took a nap today and dreamt that Ed Gulley, my late friend, came out of the sky and sat beside me on my blue chair. He asked me about milk prices and shook his head. He thanked me and Maria and said, “You have a pretty great old girl there,” he said of Maria. Ed was a cow farmer and an artist and a great friend.

I laughed and said, “Ed, you talk about women like they are donkeys or cows.  Maria is not old.”

But, I thought he was right, as he often was. She is great.  He was not one for PC talk. He said what he wanted to say and damn anybody who didn’t like it. Ed and I could say anything to one another. And we did. That’s what a real friend is to me.

He laughed and said, ” How did we ever be such good friends?” I said that was a mystery with a happy ending, but I had no answer. He thanked me for keeping his art on the lawn, even as it was falling apart, and not selling it.

“Oh,”  I said, “I could never sell it. You loved making it but didn’t care how quickly it fell apart.”  I pointed to the four sculptures and windchimes that still stood, each falling apart. Ed didn’t have the patience for what he called “long art.” I wanted to tell Ed my ideas about anger, but he wasn’t interested.

I said that one good thing about his death was that I would no longer need to hear about milk prices. I meant it.

He slapped me on the arm and said, as he often did, “I love you, Jon, and I don’t often say that to men..”

And then, he was gone. I was glad to see him but felt sad; I wish I could have spent time sitting in those chairs and talking to him. He was the best bullshitter I ever met.

This dream gave me a peaceful mind, and when I have a calm mind, the anger and cruelty of others can do me no harm. I’m shrouded in a new kind of peace and experience.

As I mentioned once before, this method helps me to really see that the person hurting me or trying to hurt me is also suffering.

My anger turns to dust and blows away. Understanding the suffering of others, even the most awful others, is a kind of fire extinguisher for rage.  Ed worked hard to understand the suffering of others; he found anger bewildering.

If you doubt me, which I am sure many people do, you can try it yourself.



Wildflowers and cut flowers.

Lilac flowers and orchids and wildflowers.  l like to mix flowers.


So long, Ed, come back anytime.

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