19 April

Red’s Focus. Outlasting Simon.

by Jon Katz
Red's Focus
Red’s Focus

When Red is not cuddling with one of  his many girlfriends, he is watching the sheep, inspiring me to focus on my work. The donkeys, who are both curious and mischievous creatures, are always trying to throw Red off of his game, especially Simon, who tries to bully Red into getting out of his way as he does the sheep and the other donkeys. Simon is sweet, but an alpha male, he things all animals should get out of his way when he wants to eat or when he just wants to walk.

From time to time, he lowers his head and tries to spook Red into moving. Red keeps his gaze right on the sheep, he does not flinch or waver. Simon could stomp Red or bite him, but Red seems to sense that he won’t.  And he doesn’t. These standoffs used to make me nervous, but I know Red well by now. He can take care of himself. After a couple of minutes, Simon stepped around Red. Red never took his eyes off of the sheep.

Red inspires me to focus on my work.

18 April

Sarah And Simon

by Jon Katz
Loving Simon
Loving Simon

It was wonderful to see some children here this afternoon loving the animals, getting loved back. Simon is an amazing spirit, especially given his troubles, he adores children, he will stand and cuddle with them all day, he never seems to tire of it. They never tire of him. I can only imagine what it would have been like for me as a child to meet Simon, it would have touched me deeply. I am grateful to have this farm, to have these animals, to see the love that is shared here.

5 April

Talking To Simon: At The Crossroads Together. Return Of Spring, One.

by Jon Katz
Talking To Simon
Talking To Simon

We celebrated the return of Spring in this raw and beautiful and windy day, we went out to Lulu’s Crossing and the sheep and donkeys came with us and I sat down for a bit and Simon came over and pressed his forehead into mine and I felt this great connection, this great surge of love he and I have for one another, we have been to the crossroads together.

I love Simon dearly, and I could see he is very connected to me, we sat like this for the longest time, Maria picked up my camera and took a picture, I am grateful for it.

23 March

Simon At Dinner

by Jon Katz
Simon At Dinner
Simon At Dinner

I think the winter has taken its toll on Simon. Donkeys are active and curious animals, they love to work, move around, explore and graze and the donkeys and the sheep have been holed up in the pole barn for a couple of months now, the ice is only beginning to melt away. Simon has gotten grumpy with Lulu and Fanny and the sheep, I think the cold is hard on his legs, which have never completely straightened out after he was taken from his farm and brought to us.

It is cold today, but the sun is getting stronger, it is supposed to be getting warmer – although rainy – by the end of the week. I think Simon could use it, so could Maria and I.

Bedlam Farm