23 November

Splash! Zinnia’s Thanksgiving/ A Big Juicy Marrow Bone And A Swim In The Pond

by Jon Katz

Thanksgiving for the animals. We spent a couple of hours dispensing treats to the donkeys, dogs and sheep. Zinnia got a special walk to the pond, and just now, a big marrow bone.  My idea is that we visit each of our animals to thank them and to give thanks for them.

I suppose I could be online making up false stories about elections, but this is much more gratifing and nourishing.

Zinnia is a retriever, and she loves to plunge in the pond and bring back the stick we throw.


It’s hard for me to express my deep love for this dog, she is loving, faithful, generous and fun. She has been by my side all through this wild summer, always with me, lying by my side, sleeping on my foot when I had all of those surgeries.

She is a remarkable therapy dog, bringing joy and comfort to refugee children and the Mansion residents.

A marrow bone is not enough, really for all she has done for me and all the pleasure she has given me and so many others. But Thanksgiving is our gratitude holiday, and I give thanks over and over again for this dog.

19 November

Animals Who Want Their Ears Scratched: Three Portraits, Bud, Zinnia, Zip. I’m In An Animal Portrait Mode

by Jon Katz

I have several animals who love to have their ears and neck scratched. I focused on the dogs, even though the donkeys love it to. Maria took this photo of me scratching but, I took the others, one of Zinnia, and one of the huggable Zip.

Zinnia is always a sweetheart, Bud is most often a hellion, Zip can be sweet and dominant, all at the same time. I love taking portraits of animals, their faces have so much character. I’ll get the donkeys during the week. The chickens definitely do not like to have their necks scratched.

31 October

Portrait: We Gave Each Other A Wicked Cold This Weekend. Zinnia Was On The Case. She’s Officially A Spirit Dog, She Is Here When I Need Her

by Jon Katz

Maria and I both have wicked colds; she is sneezing, and I am coughing (all day and night). I stayed in bed a couple of hours after sunrise (and missed a beautiful sunrise), and Zinnia, faithful as always, stayed by my side, keeping a close eye on me. Zinnia is a profoundly loyal and loving dog; whenever there is trouble, she stays close. I’m up and moving; I suspect we each gave the other a cold. It’s a lot better than a concussion. I’m back at work. Raw honey helps. Maria is exhausted, but she is hardier than me right now.

The highest compliment I can pay any dog is to call them a spirit dog. Spirit dogs are mystical to me; they come when needed and leave when their work is done. They come to mark the passages of life. At this time, I’ve been sick or recovering on and off for months. It’s all looking good, but Zinnia is just the dog I have needed during this period; she is always by my side, paying attention and offering love and comfort. Like Orson and Rose and Frieda and Izzy and Red, Zinnia appeared when I really needed her and will hopefully stay on. Either way, she is a spirit dog in my mind now, and I am grateful for her. She overflows with kindness, patience, and love.

This morning was just the latest example. There were many more.

19 September

Video: Zip Is A Family Cat: Z-Day Is Moving Up To Wednesday. Zinnia Makes A New Friend, Me Too

by Jon Katz

Zip gets her morning greeting from Maria, “Ziperoni…” Zinnia is falling in love, I  did more bonding. We’re thinking of freeing Zip on Wednesday; she seems at ease. It seems she is a family cat, not just a barn cat. Zip is very happy here, winning our hearts every day.

Maria has done a wonderful job of acclimating this cat to Bedlam Farm. Zip is a smart creature, he has figured out that this is a good place for a barn cat to live.

We are all enjoying each other. This is a family thing, that’s a surprise.

Fate came in to check things out but wanted no part of Zip; she turned and fled the barn. Zip comes out and walks around, and goes back. He came when I called him, and I scratched his head and back. We have bonded. Bud will get his nose scratched if he causes any trouble.

The new song is below.


Maria debuts the New Zip song….Zinnia applauds


I can’t squat down like Maria, but I can pull up a chair, and Zip comes running over for a head scratch and a chance to rub himself against my leg. We have been bonding together all week. I think I’m going to love this cat.


Bedlam Farm