7 June

Into the world, Bartleby. Decisions about animals

by Jon Katz
Bartleby, entering the world
Bartleby, entering the world

We have some decisions to make about animals at Bedlam Farm. Initially, all of the donkeys and sheep were just coming for the summer. It’s a bit more complicated now. We are not selling the farm, and it’s nice to see the pastures and barns put to use. We are talking about keeping Lulu and Fanny here – we are both attached to them, Maria is very close to them. Bartleby and a couple of the sheep could stay – we have water and would only need some hay. It’s a big decision. I enjoyed the absence of responsibility and cranked out a lot of work.

But I wouldn’t mind doing children’s books about the donkeys and/or Bartleby. And I like having them. Feels like a farm again, on a more manageable scale.  So we have some thinking to do.

7 June

Comforting a lamb

by Jon Katz
Lulu comforting Bartleby
Lulu comforting Bartleby

Bartleby had his tail docked, and he was uncomfortable. After two days I let him and his mom out with the other sheep and I was touched to see Lulu come over slowly and sniff him, and then rub noses with him to comfort him. She stayed with him for several minutes, and visited him several times, very gently and lovingly. It was pretty moving to see it.

7 June

Bedlam Farm, this morning

by Jon Katz
Bedlam Farm. Hope and experience
Bedlam Farm. Hope and experience

My farm, this morning. They say second marriages are a triumph of hope over experience. I think so. I am learning a new way to live, to think, and to love. A new way to be honest and open. To experience life differently. I am grateful for all of it, the pain and sorrow, fear and struggle, hope and love. It is all part of the light and fabric of life, and I am richer for all of it. (Al of Cameraworks in Latham thinks he can fix my broken lens! Yay.)

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