25 August

Tarot Card Reading: Dancing With Irene, cont. The first drunken post

by Jon Katz
Tarot Card Reading

In the interests of full disclosure, I have to tell you that Maria got me drunk tonight, three drinks in the hotel barn after a movie. I am pretty chipper, but I find typing is a bit awkward and there may be more typos than usual. Or maybe less. Enjoyed the movie, “The Help,” although quite a bit sappy and pat in places. I think this is what they mean by a chic flick, although I enjoyed it.

I cannot think of a better thing to do with a huge hurricane barrelling down on you and your farm than get drunk in a bar with a person you love. We are both pretty chipper at the moment. Before the movie, we went to a wonderful Tarot Card Reader, Patti Newton of  Siliver Moon in Brattleboro. We spent nearly an hour with Patti, a gentle, thoughtful and very perceptive soul and we did our first Tarot Card Reading.Patti said the cards showed that we both were on the verge of big creative leaps forward, but that we had a bunch of sandbags to shed, people and situations to gently edge out of our lives. We bought know this is true.

Again, I had this overwhelming sense that the real healers, the loving people who heal for reasons other than money, are not found in fancy doctor’s offices but in storefronts, on second and third floors of buildings, and in shops like Patti’s, where health is defined differently, supported and encouraged. My idea of health care is so different, and I am grateful to be on no medications, to not have seen a doctor for a couple of years and had no tests. And I feel very good.

Patti dazzled us with her insight and focus. We had come far, but we needed to continue to do the work we are doing, to focus on our creative work, to concentrate our energy where it can do good, and avoid people and things that will drag us down, exhaust and depress us. The cards showed significant  leaps for both of us, and I have to be honest, this is something I would have completely jeered at even a couple of years ago, but Patti seems the real deal to both of us, and we left feeling good and strong. Patti is only a couple of hours away, and I am definitely adding her to my health care team, which now consists of a Tarot Card Reader, a spiritual counselor, and a massage therapist.  My path to health.

Tomorrow, we head to the farm to dance with Irene. I told Patti that I was encouraging Irene to move a bit South, and when I got home to the hotel I saw the new landfall is supposed to be Southern New Jersey. It will be blowy and rainy for sure, but the further from the farm and the animals, the better for me although I don’t wish a hurricane on anyone. In the a.m., we head home to get things ready for Irene, with whom I shall dance. And I better go to bed now, cause the words are getting blurry. Be safe and dry.

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