16 September

Power Goddess With Electric Hair. Find Your Strength.

by Jon Katz
Power Goddess With Electric Hair
Power Goddess With Electric Hair

Out of the fertile mind of my wife comes the Goddess of Electric Hair, a source of strength and voice and power. Find your strength, a wall hanging now on sale for $150 plus shipping. I especially love the Intuition Eye where a belly button might be. Symbols and myth and the power of women. I’m impressed.  Details on fullmoonfiberart.com.

16 September


by Jon Katz

I spent some hours walking in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, it is one of the most beautiful and well preserved urban neighborhoods in America, the beautiful old brownstones line the tree-lined streets and the sun catches many of them in the morning. A homeless man with a partially-discarded bagel came and sat down next to me while I ate, he said he liked my blue hat. He said he used to work in “financial services,” became an alcoholic (“mercifully”), he said, and then homeless.

He sometimes can shower and crash in a cousin’s apartment, he misses having dogs and turns out he read one of my dog books. How strange, but we had the nicest talk. I love the brownstones, I could photograph them forever, the early morning sun hit this row as I walked by, the trees framed it for me.

16 September

Zelda Grazing

by Jon Katz
Zelda Grazing
Zelda Grazing

Zelda is getting a bit gray, we are no longer shearing her for her wool, it is not long enough. She is still the guardian and protector of the flock, she is always watching out for the other sheep. I lay down in the grass with the flock the other day, and she came within inches of me grazing (I left the dog behind.) Zelda is a tough and smart sheep.

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