30 May

Lenore and Bartleby. Second visit

by Jon Katz
Second visit
Second visit

Lenore went up to the pasture to visit Bartleby again. Touched noses. I think they will be pals.


I don’t get involved in politics on this site, there’s enough of that without me. But on this weekend, I am thinking not only of all the people who gave their lives in wars, but also of the people in the Gulf. Thinking of them, praying for them,wishing for a speedy end to this tragedy.

30 May

Reflections, Bunker Hill Road. Arguing with fear

by Jon Katz
Arguing with fear on Bunker Hill Road
Arguing with fear on Bunker Hill Road

It was a beautiful day on Bunker Hill Road, and this dairy cow was enjoying it. I am learning that since fear is irration, you can’t really argue with it. You can only acknowledge it, and move along. One of the first things I ever wrote about fear is true – fear is a geography, a space to cross.

It doesn’t ever completely disappear, and it is only rarely about reality. I am learning to see it, say hello, and move on to something else. It works much of the time.

30 May

Bartleby and Mom, getting clover

by Jon Katz
Grazing by the big barn
Grazing by the big barn

Bartleby is setting in well, grazing each morning with mom. She is a good mother. Sometimes she plants Bartleby in the grass and goes off and grazes, but when he squawks, which he does frequently, she comes back quickly. I should day that there is virtually no chance that Bartlesby will stay on the farm after Labor Day. He will head back to Vermont with the other sheep.

29 May

The Sea Glass Bag

by Jon Katz
Sea Glass Bag
Sea Glass Bag

Maria custom designed this bag for a customer who collects sea glass stones at the beach and wanted something to carry the stones in. A different kind of bag from fullmoonfiberart. Also check out Bedlam Farm notecards at Redux. At 1 p.m., July 24, at the Redux Gallery in Dorset, Vt., Maria and I will have an affordable art show – “Creative Union”, celebrating love, marriage, potholders and notecards. We are seeking ways to make our art available to people who can’t spend a lot of money on art, which is a lot of people these days. Maria will introduce some new potholder art ideas and I will debut some new notecards – the donkeys, Rose at work, Bartleby.  Nothing over $15. Redux Art & Antiques is now on Facebook.

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