1 June

Farm Journal, fifth year

by Jon Katz
Farm Journal, growing up
Farm Journal, growing up

I’m never good on specific dates, but this is roughly the Fifth Anniversary of the Bedlam Farm Journal, inspired by my life here and by some old Farm Journals I found where farmers recorded the details of their lives in diary form. The journals were very powerful, and I decided I would follow that inspiration and keep a record of my life here.

The Journal turned out to be something very different than I imagined. It is to me a sort of living book, a diary, an open and hopefully honest account of a life. The Journal promotes my work – my writing and photography as well – something I didn’t really foresee when I started it. It began as a sort of communical web community – lots of people on the site besides myself.   That didn’t work out. The Journal isn’t a dialogue, really, but a monologue, not an online conversation but my account of my life.

I did not imagine that tens of thousands of people from all over this country and the world would follow the Journal regularly and find some inspiration from it. I appreciate it, and will try and live up to the responsibility.

Some turning points.

When I decided not to open the Journal up to comments, avoiding the  chaos and hostility that engulfs so much of the Net.

When I decided to share my struggles with anxiety, depression, a search for a spiritual life, the collapse of my personal life and a near breakdown. I decided to be open within limits, and share some, but not nearly all of my private life.

When I began taking photographs and posting them on the site.

When I branched out onto Facebook and Twitter.

I am comfortable with the Journal now, heading into its sixth year. I don’t foresee many more changes. It turned out to be a more or less faithful record of my life, as important to me as it is to some others out there. I have some friends who find the very idea of this kind of blog insane, incomprehensible. I’ve come to love it, and I can’t imagine life without it. As I finish another year on the Farm Journal, I promise to keep it going, post as often I can, be honest and open about my life and my creative process, and  to read and respond to as many of your messages as I can. There is a new reality here – Maria and marriage – and that has only enriched my life and my account of it. Thanks for your support.

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