29 March

The New Story

by Jon Katz
The new story

I’m seeing that the form of the story is changing, and rapidly. I see that the paper-bound story is nearing the end of its era. And that reading has never been more varied, vibrant or alive. That text and language are important. The expectations of readers are changing. They are getting used to stories that are cheaper, more visual, linked to text and sites, living, rather than finite things.

The new story is not one thing, but several. It is not as linear as stories used to be. The very idea of narrative has changed. The new story does not leave the characters and place entirely to the imagination of readers, but invites them along. It can be experienced in several different ways. New readers can enter the story itself. To see the story for themselves, and reach some conclusions of their own about the characters and the plot. TheĀ  new story transcends fiction in a way. It is an organic, evolving thing.

The reader and creator are no longer such separate entities, each with a distinct and distant role. They share the story in many ways.

Today I got my Ipad2, and sold my Ipad1. Lots of people want them. I got the new one for the video. The Fedex driver was excited. “You’re the fifth one today,” he said. “They are just beginning to come in.” The new Ipad will give me some expanded video capacity and allow me to present the story of my life in some different and evolving ways. I am not giving up text or still photography. I am just adding to those things. Somebody said, wow, you are ahead of the curve, and I laughed and said, no, I am way behind the curve. Just trying to catch up a bit.

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