2 September

Simon Says. Labors Of Love. Video – Braying for Vermont

by Jon Katz
Simon Says: Labor of Love

I’ve never read a philospher or writer I respected who didn’t say the same thing about work. Do what you love, at all costs, by any means. This is not always or even often easy to do. We have bills to pay, health insurance, computers to buy, kids to get through school, skidding economies, Hurricanes that pop up and wreck towns.

Still, I believe in the notion that God created humans, and humans alone, with the creative spark. This is what is unique and sacred about us, what separates us from the animal. I dropped my car off in Glens Falls for service this morning, and when I asked the service manager how he was, he smiled grimly, and said “oh, you know, I’m living the dream.” He told of rude and thoughtless customers, long days. Then he asked me how I was.

“Oh,” I said, slow to grasp he had been sarcastic. “I am living my dream.” When I was young, and in painful conflict with my family, I swore to myself that I would always do what I love, no matter the cost. And the cost has sometimes been very high.

But to me, this is my soul, my calling, my purpose.To infuse my work with passion and commitment, and to make sure that I do what I love, as life is too short and precious to do otherwise, bad economy and obligations or not. There are many people who can and will say, well easy for him to say, and maybe that is so. But work for me is not simply a way to pay my bills, but a way to live a meaningful and self-determined life on the earth.

There are lots of bad jobs in the world, and many people eager to fill them for understandable and good reasons. But on Labor Day weekend I am reminded that work is as precious as life and as much a part of our identity, and people who make bad jobs and force people to stay in them will be called to account in their own place and time.

Simon reminds me that life is too important to give up. So he brays for Vermont today, and for doing work we love.

Reminder: “Going Home” video will be shown here at 9 a.m. Thursday, September .

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