14 November

Barn Light. Video. Morning Chores

by Jon Katz
Barn Light


Heading to SUNY Adirondack Scoville Auditorium to give a noon talk on technology and creativity, and writing on rural life.  Resting up, feeling better. The tick bites got to me. I want to write about the movie “JEdgar,” and men and power, and the Orson communication I did with Jeannie Lindheim Friday, which was lovely. I love the chicken walk with Maria and Meg. Simon ate all the chicken leftovers this morning – grapes, chili, rice. He eats anything.

Battenkill Books, which now has Paypal, is offering free signed Bedlam Farm notecards and/or a free copy of the “Going Home” video to people who order “Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die.” A good way to find an appropriate Christmas gift, and to support a great independent bookstore. You can find Connie Brooks online or call her at 518 677-2515. On December 2, 4 p.m., Lenore and I will be at the bookstore to support the annual Cambridge Christmas parade, take calls and meet people who want copies of “Going Home” signed. I hope we can support independent bookstores as well as large corporations. Nothing wrong with an e-book, but nobody wants to see bookstores going away. We are shooting for 1,000 by New Years. 400 to go. On December 10, I’ll be at Northshire. Thanksgiving weekend I’ll be at Gardenworks, Salem, N.Y.


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