15 November

Re-thinkingbedlamfarm.com, cont.

by Jon Katz


I like change, although it sometimes makes me nervous. Change is a measure, I think, of how we can grow and evolve. For me, to never change is the first death, the plague of hardening arteries and shrinking vision. To change for the sake of change is just another kind of chaos. I love the responses to the proposed changes Mannix Marketing is designing for this blog. People care deeply about the website, and about the way it is used, and I appreciate that more than I can say.

In the first draft, the proposal called for shrinking the main Farm Journal photos. Nobody liked that, including me, so that’s already gone. I felt the graphic behind the central structure is too large and confusing, and that is being worked on. I actually love Steve Job’s idea of design – bold, simple, minimalist. I love the fact that people coming to the site can come to one page for everything – photos, blog, book information, Maria’s site, Blogs I love, Facebook, and videos. People can tap into these other elements without leaving the Farm Journal page.

I didn’t like the cursive “All Things Jon Katz” — too cute for me, and it’s gone. The main Journal photo will be enlarged in the design, much as it is now on this page, perhaps even a bit larger. I enjoy the collaboration with my readers –  we are monitoring your comments in e-mail and on Facebook and paying close attention. Of course, there are a number of threats – if you change the site, I will leave it!. I tell those people to await their refund check. But the blog is a collaboration, of course, up to a point (I am still paying for it and responsible for it) and it is is very useful to hear what you all think. Thanks. Most of you seem to love the new ideas.

I am very excited about the changes, and grateful as always to Mannix Marketing, the creators and architects of my blog since it’s inception. We have grown up together, and if there is every a book done on my life, Chris Archibee of Mannix could write it. He’s gotten some amazing late night calls.

I’ve changed in the last few years – the photography, video, Facebook and Twitter. The site needs to reflect that, and to be easier to access and navigate. I am also cranked about the “Blogs I Love” page. The first one will be Mary Muncil’s rapidly growing White Feather Farm blog, the second Cold Antler Farm by the writer Jenna Woiginrich. More to come. Non-commercial blogs that reflect individuality, self-determination and that are uplifting to me and hopefully to others. These blogs will not always or even often reflect my own point-of-view, but are powerful and valuable and relevant in their own right. I have my point-of-view, others are very welcome. I am not looking for writers or blogs who agree with me. What’s the point? But they have to be affirming, not destructive or fear-mongering. I believe it’s time we made our own media, and not fall prey to the hysteria, anger and fear that is theirs. So we’re starting.

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