17 November

Bedlamfarm.com – Decisions

by Jon Katz
Rose In The Big Barn

Lots of people weighed in on the re-design for bedlamfarm.com – First and Second Draft, and I thank you. I appreciated all the feedback – way more than I anticipated – and also appreciate the collaborative tone of most of the messages. Some were angry and demanding, and very insistent, but I asked for it and I was glad to consider them all. In America, communicating on open spaces always seems to pull up some anger, although not much. People, I sense, don’t believe anybody is really listening, and they present their voices loudly, as if to be heard. But this was a great discussion, and it was very helpful to me. I think almost all of you are getting a site design you are comfortable with – one that showcases the photos, is clean and bright, and provides easy access and navigation.

Many people wanted the border collie graphic – Izzy- now at the top of the site, to stay. I don’t want it there any longer, so it’s moving. It just doesn’t reflect me or the site now and that’s a personal thing. I do like feedback and I do consider it, but at the end of the day, it’s my site and I’m paying for it and have to live with it, so I am at that point where it’s just time to make some decisions. I agree with those who thought the page a bit too colorless, so we are adding a blue border. The photos are properly emphasized.  I like the boxes up top, and they are remaining, perhaps just rounding off the corners to make them a little less sharp and removing one or two. That’s it, really. Time to move forward, not only in discussing the blog but in creating it. Many thanks to Brendan LaRock, Chris Archibee and Toby Dawes at Mannix Marketing. Another step forward for this blog, a powerful and enduring element in my life and work. The new blog should be up shortly. Can’t wait.

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