10 December

Spiritual Path. Day of Rest. Love Is Strong As Death

by Jon Katz
Sabbath Rest: Love Is As Strong As Death


Humans and animals – donkeys in particular – have been sharing a day or rest, or Sabbath for many thousands of years. In my own spiritual experience the idea of a day of rest has become especially important. I am not much at ease with ritual and rules but the idea of a day of rest has drawn me for years, and in the past few weeks, and for the first time, I am taking a day – Sundays  – and withdrawing into myself and my family. That means no cell phones, computers, e-mails, text messages, Ipads or telephones, no TV.

More importantly, it means no worrying about work, money, success or failure, or the nature of the society, the news of the external world. Days of quiet, meditation, talking, walking, personal experiences of creativity – photos, writing, reading, the creative spark, which is holy to me. I am reading a beautifully written book  called “The Sabbath,” by Abraham Joshua Heschel, a classic work on time, space and eternal life. And on the notion of a day spent, each week, at rest with people and the animal world.

For those of us who seek the join the dialogue about our world in a positive way, the choices are difficult – the angry shouts on television, protests in the streets, the bitter divisions, the obsession with economics and security, with health and safety, the disconnection from the natural world. So what fiercer or more powerful act of defiance and revelation, what louder statement to make, than withdrawing from technology, conflict, war, greed and anxiety to love our own inner spirits. This is my day of rest, my political party, my gift to my own spiritual life. And I will share it with donkeys who enter into the spirit of a day of rest and love and contemplation with great authority and connection. And I will focus on love and joy and take as much time to feel it as I do to make money, do my work, fuss about my life. If I don’t stop to do it, when will it happen?

All week, Herschel says, we can consider success and failure, the accomplishment of our personal goals, issues with our families. Not on the day of rest. This day is no time for any activity or care, for anything that might dampen the spirit of joy at being alive. The Sabbath, Herschel writes, is a day of harmony and peace, peace between man and man, peace within man, and peace with all things. This is, to me, the essence of a spiritual life, the place I want to go. I hope to be there on Sunday, and I will see you tonight, after dusk.

“Set me as a seal upon thy heart,

As a seal upon thy arm;

For love is strong as death,

Jealousy is cruel as the grave,

the coals thereof are coals of fire,

A most vehement flame.

Many waters cannot quench love,

Neither can the floods drown it;

If a man would give all the substance of his hour for love,

He would be utterly contented..”

from “The Song Of Songs”

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