19 February

Rosie’s Ghosts. Orbs, Shadows

by Jon Katz
Shadows and Orbs. Is Rosie back?


Almost every time I put up a photo of the dogs, I get messages from people like the very nice one I got today about a photo, “Winter Whispers”, below. They are not weird messages from strange people, but thoughtful messages from very grounded people. They see Rose’s shadow, an orb, a space left for her between the other dogs.They see her ghost everywhere.  In recent years, I have learned not to be dismissive or contemptuous of other people’s spiritual observations. I talk regularly with an animal communicator, I see a spiritual counselor and a Tarot Card reader. I would have laughed at any of those things just a few years ago, and now they are an elemental part of my life.

Just because I don’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because I don’t know something doesn’t mean it isn’t so.  But I get these messages every day, and I’ve gotten hundreds of them about Rose. I appreciate them and respect them, but I thought I ought to respond to them and say what I feel. “In your photo today,” wrote one message from Lynn “I was drawn to the space of light directly in front of Frieda. The rest of the ground is in shadow, but that particular space seems to be just where Rose might be lying, enjoying the day with her canine companions as she did in many of your other photos. Did you see it too?”

Lynn, I loved your message, it was touching and lovely, but I did not see what you saw. Nor did I see Rose in any of the other photos that seemed to evoke her orb, shadow or ghost for other people. I was on the path, and I saw nothing that evoked Rose. Nor do I see the dogs making room for her in any deliberate or conscious way. When I tell them to drop for a photo, they drop where they are, media pros that they are. My own idea of grieving for Rose may be different than some. I do not wish to see Rose in heaven, or believe she will be there waiting for me. I wish for her her own life in eternity, not for her to be in service to me.  Nor do I have any reason to think she should or does come back here to present herself to me in orbs, shadows or images. I feel our wonderful work together is done. There is a time and place, beginning and end to all things.  I hope she is gone onto a rich and full new life in her own special heaven.

That is how I feel. Having said that, the story of the last few years for me is a process of continuously opening up to new experience, a broader notion of spirituality, an openness to things I don’t see but other people do. These years have taught me to listen and be open, and I will. But I do not believe in eternal grieving, and I know that people see what they need to see, especially with dogs and animals, who are never able to tell us otherwise. I don’t want to exploit Rosie’s death by presenting her as eternally present or see her popping up everywhere in my evolving life. An important part of grieving for me is to accept the idea that things we love do sometimes go away for good, and are not always here forever in different forms, because that is what we might so ardently wish. This is not something need, which doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

I respect these messages and appreciate them, and I thank you Lynn and those many others who loved Rose and continue to see her spirit, very sincerely.  I will keep my eyes and soul open, also.


There are a limited number of “Rose At Work” signed notecards, and Maria is offering them for sale on her website. We know a lot of people have asked for photos of Rose. These are $15 for a notepack of five cards plus $5 for shipping.

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