5 April

Donkey Consolation

by Jon Katz


I have long found donkeys to be the most intuitive animals I have ever been around, more so than most dogs. They have been around people for many thousands of years, and can easily read moods and sense need. Maria and I were out looking for signs of the chickens in the pasture this cool morning, following trails of feathers up the hill and when Maria just stood looking around, resigned to what had happened. All three donkeys came quickly to her, gathering in a circle, putting their noses and shoulders against her.

They stood around her in a circle for a bit, as she talked to each one and touched them, and in their own way, they touched her, and what a lovely thing to see. This kind of conversation is a powerful thing to see. From my perspective, I saw the donkeys read Maria’s mood, sense that something had happened, and come quickly over to her to be close to her. If sad things did not happen, then many beautiful things would not happen.

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