11 May

Find The Light: Creativity And Photography

by Jon Katz
Find The Light

At 2 p.m. Saturday, at the 70 Main Street Gallery in Greenwich, N.Y., I’ll be joining Maria and the Mother’s Day Art Show to talk about creativity and photography, which was on my mind this morning as the sun broke through after three days of rain and showers. As we sat down to breakfast, I looked out and saw the sun hitting the fresh leaves on one of our maple trees. And I saw it also hit a single dandelion across the road. And then I saw the chickens promenading in the sunlight by the Pig Barn. Out again.  I live with a miraculously sensitive and creative person, so it didn’t faze her at all that I was popping in and out of the house as we were eating breakfast and talking. It seemed natural to her.

I had a bumpy night, was restless, anxious about things, my mind racing, and I was tired and sore when I woke up. A few minutes later I was switching lens, crawling around in the wet grass, happy and excited. Photography can do that for you, if you can get hold of it, afford it, and muster the patience for it. It can surely take you over, as it has done for a significant chunk of me. Anyway I’ll be talking about this more tomorrow, and I’ll put a photo album up on Facebook of my encounter with light this morning. More details about the art show on Maria’s website.

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