9 June

The Sacred Spark

by Jon Katz
The Sacred Spark

I have, for much of my life, sought a spiritual life, and I still do, every day in many ways. My religion is this: we have all been given the gift of the creative spark, the inner light or spirit within us seeking freedom, a life of love, self-determination and meaning. In the Kabbalah, God tells the mystics that they have only one thing to fear in life – failure to heed this call, to light this spark. You have nothing to fear from me, God told the prophets, except a life wasted in fear, anger and selfishness. And then you will have much to fear.

Every morning, when I wake up, I listen for this call to life, I am open to creation in its many forms. This flower called to me today and I recognized it right away. We are kindred spirits, fellow worshippers, kin in the world. I am the spark, come and see, it said. So am I, I replied. I know you. And so I did. Fear quenches this spark like a snuffed candle. So does the enslavement of bad work, discouraging people, a life lived on the illusion that money brings security.

The creative spark is a gift from God. Money cannot buy it. Health care does not provide it. Politicians do not understand it. It is never on the news.  Encouragement and hope lights it and keeps it bright.  So does rebirth and renewal. Love is out of fashion in our world, yet it is the purpose, the point. Not security, not a booming stock market, not lots of money in IRA’s. Love for yourself, for another human,  and for all of the beautiful things in the world that you can find, imagine, or create. Every day.

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