23 June

Work Ethic. What The Sheep Sees

by Jon Katz
Work Ethic

A lot of people found it hard to believe that Red was so at  home walking through crowds of people all day. He greeted countless people, was sweet, calm and appropriate. He followed me everywhere and worked the sheep several times. Karen Thompson said the thing she most loved about Red was his generous heart despite having good reasons to fear and dislike human beings. I am beginning to understand what happened to him and was slow to grasp it.

Red has an intensity that is breathtaking and inspires me to be focused and determined in my own life. He also has a huge heart and a great love for people and a profoundly trusting nature. This morning, I went up in the pasture with him and lay down in front of him with the sheep behind me. I understand what it might meant to be a sheep looking back at Red.

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