27 June

Dear Red: Letter From Karen Thompson. Soul-Touchers.

by Jon Katz
Letter from Karen Thompson

Two days ago, I wrote a letter from Red to Karen Thompson, the wonderful breeder and human who gave me Red. Last night, Karen sent me a letter back and Maria and I were both left with wet eyes. This is a story of sweet souls, creatures of the heart. Karen calls Red a Soul-Toucher, but that is just what she is. She is a warrior for love and shows us that is selfless at its best.  I will read it to Red, and I don’t believe he knows the words, but he will get the feelings:

“Dear Red, my dearest soulful lad, you know that often we humans need the aid of a special, insightful furry transitional one to show us the way. I know you know how to lay for hours contemplating the thoughts and movements of the animals in the surrounding fields. We humans can learn from you that often what appears as idleness is really an act of absorbing that which is in our sights. Rare souls like you, my dear one, teach us to “let go” of the negatives in life, and seek that which is uplifting and radiates of kindness.

In you, Dear Red, I saw a grand example of living grace where your past pains were kept in the past, and you simply expected kindness, and you gave and give kindness. Yes, you said and you say “life is simple embrace, it’s good!” Red, we humans can learn a lot about dedication to purpose, honesty, and loving absolutely without reservations those whom we encounter on our daily sojourn. I know you know this deep within your being, however I need to verbalize it. You have touched and continue to touch my soul, as you and Jon travel daily exploring the inner workings of the unique bond between the human person and four-legged companion. I loved you enough to let you go There were those who didn’t understand how I could do it, but perhaps they are learning, and smiling now.

In Faith, Karen.”

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