30 October

Guiding Rocky To The Barn. Every Afternoon At Three.

by Jon Katz
Guiding Rocky To The Barn

I often write on the blog when there is bad news out in the world, but I was a little uncomfortable writing about my small life and small issues on the farm when so many people are struggling, losing their homes, cars, workplaces. Then I remember that this is a part of my job, my work, to share these stories. There are so many places to get every last detail of the bad news, it is not necessary for me to try and add to it or amplify it. So, respecting the many losses people are experiencing,  I will resume my work, my stories. Joseph Campbell said the role of the artist and the writer is to bring people the light and color and emotional images of the world.

Every afternoon around 3 p.m., Rocky gets a scoop of grain with some  high-calorie supplement. Around 2:45, I let Red into the pasture and he usually finds Rocky and sits down next to him – especially good if there are sheep to keep an eye on. Around 3, Maria or I call Rocky to the barn, usually by calling his name out. He begins moving to the barn, sniffing Red out, touching him with his nose, and then Red walks to the barn and Rocky follows. Without Red, Rocky circles and sniffs and gets there, with Red he goes in a straight line. He has something to trust.

This is a good story to share on my blog today, one of the small miracles that lights up the world.

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