28 March

Dealing With A Gray Day

by Jon Katz
A Gray Day
A Gray Day

Maria and I both woke up in a funk this morning. We thought we sold the farm, but as it turned out, we didn’t. It is still cloudy, gray and cold. We are in need of a vacation and won’t be getting one in the near future. I am trying to get my podcast going without spending thousands of dollars. Nothing seems easy. Lots on our minds. We both realized we were each in a foul mood. We are both intense and have been working hard on many things for a long time. This doesn’t happen often, this double foul mood. So we went to work in the morning. And in the early afternoon. I wrote and she worked on some fiber art. Then we went out to see the donkeys. Then we stacked a cord of firewood together (for next winter, more coming.) Then we planned the garden – we have rented a tiller for April 20 from the hardware store. We watched the chickens make their way into the coop. We watched the ducks who have arrived in our marsh.

Then we went to Momma’s down the road for a burger and met some of our new neighbors. They are very nice and quite curious about us. One said she had Florence’s horses in her yard once. Yes, I said, our sheep were there also. We heard more Florence stories, she was a legend.

I’m going to spend the evening putting up some photos and a book review, Maria is curled up in front of the fire, looking regal, surrounded by dogs and with a good book and a roaring fire. She had some wine, too, which helped. We came out of it just as the carrot cake arrived. I think it was stacking the firewood. There is nothing like it to crank somebody up and come out of a funk.

It was fun, in a way. We didn’t take our bad moos out on one another. We just both owned up to feeling foul, accepted it and went about our business. Feels like a good thing to me, like flushing the system.

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