30 March

Resurrection: Renewing The Vows Of The Soul

by Jon Katz

I’ve devoted myself this weekend to the idea of resurrection, of coming back  to life after death and emptiness. This weekend, I devote myself to renewing my vows of the soul, reaffirming each day the promises I made to myself years ago, when I began this journey of change and discovery and meaning.  I believe in a life of faith and I understand that these vows must be renewed in the face of change, challenge, loss and frustration.

Every day, my faith in renewal is challenged by the nature of the world – money, disappointment, anger,  resentment, the violence and hatred that seems endemic to so many human beings. Each morning, I will renew my vows of the soul. I will seek love and be open to it, I will seek meaning in my life, and self-determination. I will value each day as the precious gift that it is. I am grateful each morning to the gift of the creative spark, and the focus it has given to my life. I vow to love myself, to appreciate my life and to believe in its meaning and value. And every day, I renew my vows to my partner, my love and ask if I am encouraging her, helping her, loving her in an open and full way.

Each morning, I renew my vows to take responsibility for my life, to respect my decisions, and to seek human connection and a life in the natural world. I don’t take these vows for granted, they require renewal every day of my life.

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