30 March

Train Tracks: Family And Easter

by Jon Katz
Easter And Family
Easter And Family

Families inspire great joy in some people, pain and disconnection in others, especially on holidays like Easter. For me, family has always been somewhat insoluble. In my family, we have all set out on separate paths, away from one another, often apart from one another. I used to be angry about it, I have learned to accept it. We all do what we have to do, we need family and we find it, one way or the other.

Connection is, in many ways, the meaning of my life. I never stop trying to connect. Sometimes it is with people, sometimes with animals, sometimes with my writing and photography, sometimes with my family, always with Maria. Connection is the point of life for me, the strongest instinct and drive. On Easter, there is a great sense of connection. For some, with a notion of God, for others with family. Maria and I find our connections in increasingly simple and meaningful things. In planting the seeds for our new garden, for planting lilac bushes, in caring for one another.

I do not regret my family, nor am I sorry about our separate paths. Acceptance is not occasional or selective, it is, if I want it to be, an encompassing purpose for me. I am learning to accept life, and in so, freeing myself from so much fear, anger and guilt. We all do the best that we can. We all do what we can do. This is Happy Easter for me, so far, and tomorrow will be even happier. Sleeping late, breakfast in bed for my girl, the planting of lilac trees, dinner with a friend, walks with dogs, communing with dogs, reading and reading and hopefully, snatching some good images on the way. We are risen, amen.

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