20 April

Photographer’s Light: Fanny, Simon

by Jon Katz
Fanny, Simon
Fanny, Simon

Photographer’s light is different for everyone. For me, it occurs mostly in the late afternoon, in the minutes before the sun sets over the hills, when the sun is almost at a sideways angle, when the sun is out, when there is some color in the ground, or failing that, in the sides of barns and houses, when the air is clear and crisp, when there is a wind. It came today as we were heading out to dinner, and I said to Maria, I just have to grab a camera and catch this light on the greening grass, the yellow fields, the blue sky. It is sweet and spiritual light, and Fanny and Simon walked right into my photo, to share in this light.

Photography’s list occurs to show us what is beautiful in the world, and my job is to help try and capture that.

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