16 August

Landmark Day for bedlamfarm.com. Credit Card Buttons, Paypal And Subscriptions

by Jon Katz
Credit Card Buttons
Credit Card Buttons

I did not once in my 35 years as a professional writer imaging getting excited about credit card options and buttons, but I am very excited today, a landmark day for me, for this blog, for the migration of writers and writing to the Internet. I am following my readers, going where they go, meeting them on the great digital plain. This blog is now my book, I am my publisher, you are my readers and part of my community. Wow. I’ve been working hard to remain relevant as a writer, and I am getting there.

As of today, there are two ways to subscribe to bedlamfarm.com, by using your personal or business credit cards or by using Paypal. Subscriptions are $3 a month, $5 a month or $60 a year. I am not seeking or requesting donations or contributions, the blog is not a worthy cause. The only good reason to subscribe is that you find the blog valuable, useful or entertaining. This is about being paid for my work. When I began the blog in 2002, no one foresaw that writers would charge for access to their blogs, blogs were seen as promotional devices for the sales of books. Now, they are the books.

I will continue to focus the blog on the love of animals, stories of my donkeys, dogs, cats and farm, share my life her with Maria, explore the nature of a meaningful life and a spiritual life.

The world of publishing – my world –  was swept away in 2008 and since, and while I am still committed to being a book writer, books are now one of the things I do, the blog is the major thing I do. I have been working hard and happily to make the transition to the new writer’s life. So thank you for your subscriptions, past, present and future, they make this work possible and pay me for it.

I want to emphasize something I wrote about last week. For those of you who cannot subscribe, who do not have the money or for your own reasons do not wish to subscribe, the blog will remain free permanently. I will not forget or abandon the many good people who have been with me here from the first day, I will never leave you behind, not matter what the Internet marketers like to think. I am far from being a corporation.

Two weeks ago, the blog was also converted to a mobile web design for smartphone users, it will automatically alter itself graphically for smartphones and tablets. My name is now on the blog, as it would be on a book, more graphic and creative changes in the works, including three new Open Groups dealing with photography, blogging and the love of animals. Exciting for me, hopefully for you.

This credit card option was complex, expensive and a long time coming. It is very secure.  There have been very few problems with Paypal, and I see that Paypal is easy to contact if there are any issues. This move feels big to me, and very much worth it. You will also notice a “Manage Subscriptions” button, and this means you can control your subscriptions at any time – upgrade them, downgrade them, cancel them at any time. You, not me, will control your subscription options. I cannot offer tech support for thousands of people, and would be very bad at it, so this program is very simple to use.

I know the subscriptions are working because so many of you have graciously subscribed, and some others are already canceling when I write something they don’t like. This is the Internet,  for sure. I thank you for being here, for following me, for subscribing if you can. I thank you for understanding that writers have to earn a living too. I have tried to make it as easy and convenient and possible. It is wonderfully affirming and meaningful to me to be paid for the work I do. It commits me to this work even more.  I love this blog, work on it every say with my writing and photographs. It is a perfect match for me and my peculiar gifts.  For me, it’s time. I appreciate and am happy to evolve and change as a writer, meeting you where you are, keeping up.

The photographs are, as always, free to use in any way  you wish, and so are the posts. Can’t wait for the next thing. You can subscribe here.

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