9 September

To Palo Alto

by Jon Katz
To California
To California

We are getting picked up at 4 a.m. to get to Albany and then a connecting flight to Chicago and then on to San Francisco. We’ll get a tour of the Silicon Valley Humane Society, rest up in a guest cottage at the home of a Humane Society supporter, where we are staying and go out and get some Asian food. Wednesday Maria and I will go the Cantor Museum at Stanford and visit some Humane Society volunteers and donors and have a dinner with some officials and contributors from the group. Thursday more meetings, some walking around Palo Alto, hopefully more Asian food and a speech that evening, it is not open to the public.

I have a long and old connection to the Bay Area and Palo Alto, I was often out there when I was writing for Wired and then Rolling Stone. I was offered a job out there, but I thought San Francisco wasn’t the right place for me. It has changed a lot, Palo Alto is beautiful, crowded, wealthy and intense. They support their animal welfare groups out there, I am eager to talk about the history of the human/companion animal bond, the rise of the rescue culture, the future of animal welfare in America.

California is wonderful, but no longer the peaceful paradise, it feels a lot like New York City without the skyscrapers. There is awful traffic and lots of harried people. Maria and I are tired and drained a bit, we are looking forward to a few days away. I always miss the blog when I am gone, but I am taking my camera. Deb Foster, a wonderful house and pet sitter is keeping an eye on the house, dogs, cats and donkeys and sheep. Chickens too. She knows the drill, and even Frieda likes to snuggle with her a bit. We don’t have to worry about anything but our trip.

Technology always figures into life these days. I am bringing the Canon, I just no longer feel at ease without it, I am not bringing a laptop, I will not blog from there. I have my Ipad to check e-mail. Saturday morning I will begin teaching my four lecture course, “The Art Of The Blog” at Hubbard Hall Arts Center in Cambridge. Then I have to focus on heading out to the Nimrod Literary Festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma, then my Ted Talk, then the “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story” is coming out from Random House on Nov. If you want it signed by Maria and I, you can order it from Battenkill Books or call them at 518 677-2515. So the blog will be quiet for a few days, and so, hopefully will I. It always feels strange not to write on the blog, it is a part of me now. We can appreciate one another a bit, I think. I will miss it and I appreciate all of you. Be well. I’m praying for peace and relief for the people of Syria.

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