24 November

For $65. A George Forss Masterpiece. The Christmas Gift And Bargain Of Your Life

by Jon Katz
New York Skyline: The Great Bargain
New York Skyline: The Great Bargain

George Forss became world famous photographing the urban landscape of New York City, one of the great cities of the world. His rise to fame was interrupted somehow by his own complex life and the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers in 2011, a tragedy that changed so many livesĀ  and ended many others. In recent weeks, George Returned to New York City to revisit the scene of some of his most famous photographs, pictures that were published in books, reprinted in Time, shown on the Today Show, admired and praised by the great photographers of the world – Alfred Eisenstadt, David Douglas Duncan, Henry Cartier-Bresson.

George is one of my closest friends, one of the best. He is a modest and selfless man, he never speaks ill of any soul, he never complaints about the hard blows life has given him and his family, he never wavers from caring for the people he loves or from being a good and generous friend and lover. He is in the truest sense an American story, a self-made man. Some of George’s most famous photographs were taken of lower Manhattan and included the Twin Towers, so it is especially compelling to see this new photographs, he is showing them on his blog today and permanently.

Several people (including me) have purchased this new masterpiece above, it shows New York a decade later, it captures so much about our country and our lives, only George could have taken it. He uses old lenses and cameras and a computer stitching process I couldn’t begin to understand.

He is selling prints of this new masterpiece for $65 – his early works sell for hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars – and you will not in your lifetime get a better deal than than for a work of art from a master. I would make such a wonderful Plaid/Black Friday gift or Christmas present, it would be a wonderful present for yourself or anyone in your family who loves the powerful images of the world, who remembers 911, who is hopeful for America. George is always hopeful, always struggling to be creative, I hope hundreds of people buy this print, it is worth so much more, it would make such a great gift. If you are interested, visit George on his new blog – I had to beat him up for two years to put it up.

I bought this print, I am putting it up in my study, George’s work is inspiring, it spawns creativity, genius and commitment are infectious. And I don’t think this way, but these prints will be quite valuable one day, I have no doubt of that.

If you are so inclined, you can also get George’s views on aliens and God-force there. He won’t mention it unless you do. I wouldn’t bring it up unless you have time. I haven’t told him I am posting this, I am closing my eyes and imagine his shock at the e-mails he may get, every purchase is an affirmation of the idea that genius should always be honored and respected, should never be forgotten.



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