11 March

First Shot, 1DX, Living Room. One 60 Watt Bulb

by Jon Katz
First Photo, 1 DX
First Photo, 1 DX

I set the date and time settings and charged the battery and began fiddling with the new camera. I put my 24-70 mm lens onto the camera and set the ISO to automatic and just show Flo in front of the painting in the living room. The shot startled me, there was no light in the room but a 60 watt bulb in the lamp to the right of the Buddha statue Maria meditates near. I was struck by the color the camera picked up in the barn painting, especially the red and the yellow. I was also excited about the depth in the picture, how the camera pick up the shadows around the painting frame and even caught Flo’s whiskers

It was close to dark in the room and I could not have taken a photo with this richness and depth and clarity, at night, without a flash or a tripod. I am very excited to take this camera outside, although probably not for a day or two, given the storm approaching. I think this camera is going to make a major difference for me, a leap forward in my photography. I have a lot to learn about it.

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