14 March

Magical Gift From A Magical Friend

by Jon Katz
Magical Gift From A Magical Friend
Magical Gift From A Magical Friend

George called me this morning and told me he had a gift for me, a printed, framed photo – “Cat Meditation” – one of my favorite photos. It was taken recently as Flo took up her sunrise pre-meditation cleaning on her cat stand by the window. I thought she was the essence of cat, her silhouette was striking, so was the color of the vase, and my camera setting whited out the background to help her stand out in the morning light.

I love this photograph, George did too, and he did an amazing job printing and framing it, we are hanging it on the mantle above the fireplace. Yesterday George had me come over and sign it, I was overwhelmed by the job he did with it. George is working hard on his book “The Way We Were.”

“I want all my photos to be magical,” he said, and I love that quote from him. Every thing George does is magical, and he is a magical friend as well. I am so grateful for this gift, George refused to take any money for it, he said it was a thank you for helping with his Kickstarter project. I am lucky to have a friend like George. George told me I should keep this photo, not sell it. I will.

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